Wednesday, April 30, 2014

20 weeks, 0 days - Half way there!

Holy Moses, I can't believe we're 1/2 way there!  Give or take a week or two, of course.  According to BabyCenter, Baby is about the length of a banana now (10.5 oz and 6.5 inches long).  LillyPie says 10.5 inches and 13 oz.  So I guess therein lies our margin of error?  According to BabyCenter, here's what our nugget looks like right now:

Sure looks like a baby now, no?  And we'll see even better tomorrow since it's our ultrasound day!!!  I'm a little nervous about it.  I spoke with Holly and she told me that she also did her anatomy scan with a perinatologist but that she HATED the visit.  She said that those doctors are very risk averse and are doing whatever they can to reduce the amount of risk, but that their priorities may not be in line with ours.  For example, they told her that her child was at 1/600 risk of having Down Syndrome (because of Holly's advanced maternal age...<sigh>) and that they'd recommend an amniocentesis.  Holly, being a doctor, knows that the risk of miscarriage that comes with an amnio is 1/200 so she was absolutely not going to do that.  So basically, to that doctor, the higher risk of miscarriage is preferable to the risk of having a Downs baby.  Different priorities.  Anyway, Holl told me to look at the ultrasound, watch my baby move around, adore the pics we get from it but try not to listen to anything the doc says.  I have an appointment with Dr. Lawson immediately after so I'm hoping that, if this doc says something to upset me, she'll be able to talk me back down.  I'm so excited but pretty nervous.

I'm also still on the "too much weight gain" trend.  I'm hoping I can slow it down here pretty soon.  Now that I'm in the period where you're supposed to be gaining a lot of weight, I'm hoping that I can continue to gain but just do it more slowly.  I gained almost 4 lbs since my last appointment.  Which was 2 weeks ago.  I'm hoping that was a fluke weight and that tomorrow when I weigh myself, it's only 2 lbs or something.  Two lbs would put me at the VERY top of the healthy weight gain amount, so I'm hoping that's what it's going to look like tomorrow.  Blerg.  I hate worrying about this.

But in fun news, baby is moving up a storm!  Matt was able to feel him/her move last week and everything is starting to seem much more real.  I still can't believe we're going to have a baby in 20 or so weeks.  I'm sure I'll be ready by then but as of now, I'm still kind of freaking out about how much stuff we need to do before he/she gets here.  Just like I was last time with the move and buying the car.  Now it's getting Henry's new room ready and getting him potty trained.  Ugh.  Not looking forward to that.  I mean, obviously, I'm looking forward to him BEING potty trained.  I just have no idea how to potty train a child and I'm so nervous that it's not going to go well.  Oh well.  We'll get there in the end.  

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