Monday, April 28, 2014

19 weeks, 5 days - Belly pic!

So, this is actually from a few days ago... Friday maybe?  I don't remember which day I took it.  But anyway, it's probably representative of how I look today.  I don't know where this belly came from.  I swear it wasn't there one moment and then just all of a sudden, it was!  So wild.

I officially am out of normal sized clothes now.  I'd been threatening it for a bit, but I wore my belly band over to Grandma's and Grandpa's yesterday as I was too girthsome to button my pants.  I need to sort through all the clothes Aunt Allie sent me and organize what I can wear to work and what's just casual so I don't need to wear the same three dresses for the rest of my pregnancy.  

Aside from that, all is well.  I'm taking my UTI medicine and the bruise on my head is healing.  Aside from a few headaches and some heavy exhaustion, all has been well since Wednesday.  I saw pics come back from Easter and I feel a little sad about them.  Amy's and Andrew's families had some lovely family photos taken.  We didn't which is fine, but I just... we just don't have pics of my family.  And it makes me so sad.  It's our own fault, I know.  Both Matt and I hate the way we look in photos.  I saw myself in some of the Easter pics and it made me want to cry and never step in front of a camera again.  That's really not the image I see in front of the mirror.  I don't know what happens between the mirror and the camera but I just feel so sad about it.  I see these beautiful families and their beautiful family pics and I just don't have a single one of my family.  I really really wanted to and tried to get photos taken before we moved into our new house, thinking that maybe a professional would be able to catch both me and Matt at a time when we're both not looking too wonky, but that didn't work either.  Maybe once new baby comes we'll take some family pics.  In the mean time, I'll have to consciously work on not being so ugly all the time.  I wonder if it's because I have to dress up and do my hair and make up every day for work so when I have to do it on weekends, I kind of... well, don't put any time or thought into it?  I don't know.  I just know that I looked like a fat, ugly mess in those Easter pics and everyone else looked so lovely.  And it wasn't even my belly that looked fat.  It was my legs.  It all just made me so very sad.

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