Thursday, April 3, 2014

16 weeks, 1 day - Nana to the rescue!

Well, Nana arrived late on Tuesday and is leaving this evening, but in the short amount of time she's been here, she's been able to rescue us from the chaos of our (seemingly) unending clutter.  She organized the boxes in the basement so that we can actually find things!  Things like a pregnancy pilates DVD and shoes!  And it helped jog my memory as to where the prenatal yoga DVD might be!  Huzzah and good tidings for Nanas!  Unfortunately, baby boy has been a bit crabby since she's been here, but she seems to still like him anyway.  Thank goodness.

And she makes me feel loved and beautiful, both of which I really kind of needed lately so that's lovely as well.  I do remember feeling sort of this way around this point with Henry.  Where I don't look pregnant but my waist is getting thick and I just don't feel very good about my body or myself in general.  Hopefully, it will go away soon.  Bring on the oxytocin!

Oh, and also, I've been feeling baby P move.  For about a week now.  For sure.  I'm still not confident as to whether or not what I was feeling before was baby or gas or muscle spasms or something else entirely, but I'm quite confident that I've been feeling this little one for about a week now.  Just a little flutter.  Nothing that someone would be able to feel from the outside and nothing that occurs regularly.  Just a few times a day. And it's lovely.  Hello, little baby!


  1. Love that little baby is moving :) How far along was it that I got to feel little henry's hiccups in your belly? That was so cool... great memories!

  2. Yay for Nana! And yay for feeling baby flutters and movements!
