Wednesday, April 16, 2014

18 weeks, 0 days - How big's the baby?

Seriously guys, get it together.  Baby Center tells me that Bump is approximately 5.5 inches long and weighs almost 7 oz.  That's about the size of a bell pepper.  Lillypie (the ticker that we use on this blog) says that Bump is a whopping 10 inches and the size of a papaya.  I get that every baby is different and that they'll all grow differently... oh wait.  Ha!  I figured it out.  Der.  Baby Center is still doing a crown-to-rump measurement while Lilly pie is doing head to toe.  Ha!  Angry pregnant Manda does it again.  Hahaha oh bother.  I just get so mad about stuff.  Poor everyone around me. Hahaha!

So.  18 weeks.  I simply cannot believe it.  I checked on Henry's blog and saw that I started needing the belly band at 19 weeks.  Today, at 18 weeks, I still fit into my pants but they're wicked tight.  I have to think that next week, I may not be able to button them.  Wild, eh?  It's almost exactly the same.  And the whole tall fundus thing I mentioned in an earlier post?  I mean, it's really about exactly the same as it was with Henry.  I even felt movement on the outside of my tummy this morning and, as documented in Henry's blog, Matt first felt it at about 18.5 weeks.  I just think it's so crazy how much the same this trimester is when it was so vastly different in the first trimester.  I mean, I actually thought I might be having twins during the first trimester because it was so much harder but now... well, I'm all, "been there, done that, I'm a pro."  Ha!  This really is a cool part of pregnancy.  Popping belly.  Movement.  Ultrasounds that look more like humans than featureless blobs of bizarrity.  Very exciting few weeks.  I'm really excited for my dr. apt. on Friday.  I wish we were getting an ultrasound and, since we're not, I'm sure it's going to be disappointing.  I mean, it should just be a standard, "how are you feeling?" "pee in this cup," "you weigh this much and your blood pressure is x," "baby's heartrate is y," done.  But, I'll probably also get scheduled for my ultrasound and I'm just so frigging excited about that.  It's funny that, as a "high risk" pregnancy, I've had far fewer dr. appointments than I did with Henry.  I expected a ton more but I'm looking forward to these ones a lot more than I did with the Henry ones.  I just can't wait!

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