Wednesday, April 23, 2014

19 weeks, 0 days - telling work

Well, I know I pronounced that I wasn't going to tell them until I was about 6 months along, but it recently surfaced that they're looking to do a new project contract and they're starting to do that now.  I didn't think it was very fair to let them write me into a contract when I knew full well that I had no intention of being here past September.  I was very worried that they would roll me off the project when this contract is up on 6/30 and that I'd get laid off because nobody would want to pick me up for another project when they knew I was going to go on maternity leave in a couple of months.  But, in the end, I decided that I needed to trust my gut and tell them.  Besides, BabyCenter said that you should tell your boss as soon as you're comfortable but that you should really let them know by the time you're 14-20 weeks along.  Add that to the fact that my pants were so tight yesterday that I had trouble breathing and... well, I figured that it was only a matter of time before they noticed on their own and I surely wanted to tell them before that happened.

Anyway, I told them and they were sweet and excited for me.  I told them that I would not be continuing this commute after I come back from maternity leave.  They both told me that there wouldn't really be a working remote spot for me here (no surprise there) but that there should be plenty of opportunities downtown and maybe south of the city that I could be a part of.  Not to mention remote work.  So we'll see.  I'm not going to spread the word to the rest of the team or the client for a bit yet.  I'd like to figure out what the succession plan is for my role and what they're planning for the future of the project before I make the announcement because I'm sure people will ask.

One super awesome thing that came out of it was that both Heather and Bob told me that they had been considering me as Bob's replacement as Delivery Executive.  DELIVERY EXECUTIVE!!  That's an executive position!  Holy smokes!  I know the role would be different that what he's doing, pared down a bit since the contract is changing but still!  That's about the most flattering thing I could imagine someone saying to me.  I'm just so flabberghasted that they even considered me for that role I hardly know what to say.  How exciting!  It obviously won't happen now but still, really really awesome and exciting.  I'm glad they told me.  :D

I'll take a belly pic tonight.  It still doesn't look like much but since I'm in my fattest clothes and they're feeling tight, I'm for sure growing growing growing!  Almost out of normal human clothes!!  Getting real!

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