Friday, April 4, 2014

16 weeks, 2 days - Uh... whoops

So... at 16 weeks of pregnancy, you're supposed to have gained as much as 5-7 lbs.  Less is preferable but that much is ok.  Me?  Yeah, I'm pretty well above that.  What the heck?  I'd like to ask how this happened, but I know exactly how it happened and it does explain why I've been feeling so fat and disgusting lately.  So I don't have a belly.  But I'm getting fat. Awesome.  Super awesome.  Ugh.  So much for my delicious desserts.  Really, I'd like to say that it's all a mistake, that it's inexplicable, that I can't understand how this happened.  But I've been eating.  I've been eating what I want to eat.  I don't eat until I'm crazy full; I only eat until I'm not hungry anymore but I have been eating a lot of dessert.  I'm just so sad.  But it's nice to know why I've been feeling so bad about myself.  Ugh.  With Henry, I struggled to gain weight.  This time through, not so much.  And the worst of it is that my mom was just here, cooking me all of my favorite foods and she froze them so that I can have them whenever I want.  Which now seems like it should be never.  <sigh> I did weigh myself after having a feast last night.  So maybe if I wait a few days, eat a bit more normally and make sure my system is cleared out when I weigh myself, it will be back within the acceptable range.  Cuz boy, I really don't want to have that talk with my doctor.  Blerg.

I do remember with Henry there was a week that I gained 5 lbs.  So maybe that's what this is?  I don't know.  That's probably wishful thinking.  If I don't gain anymore before my next dr. appointment, I'll be back within the recommended weight gain.  Blerg.  I can't believe I'm saying things like that.  "Back within the recommended weight gain?"  Seriously?  I've gained so much already that I'm already failing.  waaahhh...


  1. I'm so sorry you're feeling this way! If it's any consolation I think you're beautiful. Just remember it's temporary and a year from now you'll be back to your normal size!

  2. I concur with Aunt Allie. You'll be back to your pre-baby weight and body in no time. And honestly, I think you look great now!
