Monday, April 14, 2014

17 weeks, 5 days - Bumps and hormones

I think it's official: I've got a bump.  I'm a little surprised since it's only been 5 days since I took the other photo but two different people said something about my "gut" or my "pooch" -- completely unsolicited -- on Saturday and then on Sunday, the pants I was wearing were decidedly snug.  Not quite uncomfortable but not exactly comfortable, either.  I think I'm probably ready for the belly band on my regular pants.  And that's kind of exciting.  :)  Baby's still doing Irish jig's in my tummy and that's really exciting.  Matt and I were talking yesterday and it's hard to remember sometimes that at the end of this, there's going to be a baby.  So far, we've been so focused on me and how I'm feeling or what I'm doing or what I'm going to be able to do or how it will affect Henry that we've kind of ignored the fact that there will be a new BABY in our lives in just 5 or so months!  So crazy.

I'm also a bit... um... hormonal shall we say?  I had a nice little freak out on poor Aunt Amy this weekend at the Atlanta Dogwood Festival after she very innocently teased me about something that normally would have been totally fine.  Poor Aunt Amy looked startled then shocked and stunned.  She apologized like 3 times but I think she still feels really bad and I feel awful because again, I KNOW it was totally innocent and it was just me being a crazy, hormonal, over-emotional pregnant woman.  Oops.  I apologized for over reacting, but I think I hurt her feelings a little bit.  Poor Aunt Amy.  But aside from that, we had a great time at the Dogwood festival this weekend.  Uncle Andrew and Aunt Allie brought baby Lex and Aunt Amy brought Carter and we all just kind of strolled around and ate and drank and chatted.  It was gorgeous weather, great to be outside, and nice to be there.  Really really nice festival.  We parked and rode the MARTA from CNN, and both Henry and Carter seemed to really enjoy riding on the choo-choo.  Super cute.

Next doctor appointment on Friday.  I'm super nervous.  REALLY hope she doesn't tell me I've gained too much weight.  The good news is that I haven't gained any more since I last weighed myself so I'm hoping it was one of those situations where I gained a whole bunch at once then I stay at the same place for awhile.  At least until I'm back within the normal weight gain range.  I wonder when they'll schedule my next ultrasound... Normally it would be 4 weeks from this appointment, but normally, this appointment would have been 2 weeks ago so... I just don't know.  I can't wait to see how Baby has grown and developed since our teddy bear photos!

1 comment:

  1. Baby bumps and next round of ultra sound pictures... we're getting into the super fun picture part of the baby blog. Can't wait to see you, matt, henry and baby bump in person!! :D
