Friday, April 25, 2014

19 weeks, 1 day - "You feinted?" "No, no, I FAINTED."

Yeah, so among the things I've done during this pregnancy that aren't exactly what one would call "recommended" is faint and whack my head on the floor hard enough to maybe have given myself a concussion.  So that's neat.  Not sure what happened but it was awfully scary.

Raw vegetables have been turning my stomach these days so I've generally been avoiding them, but yesterday, I was feeling hungry and great and there was no good soup in the cafeteria so I got a salad.  It was just fine.  But about 2 hours later, I started to get this terrible stomach ache.  Terrible terrible terrible.  I went into the bathroom and tried to go then tried to throw up, but nothing worked.  I went back to my desk and sat down for a few minutes and realized it was too bad to just sit there, that I was going to have to do something so I decided to go check the first aid kit to see if there were any Tums or Rolaids or other tummy things in there.  The walk is about 200 yards from my desk so it's not exactly close.  By the time I got there, I was feeling dizzy and woozy and, while I was standing in front of it, my vision started going dark.  "Uh oh, I better sit down..." I thought to myself.  So I sat down at the table in there with my head in my hands because the room was sort of spinning by this point and... the next thing I knew, I was having this funny dream and I felt so good and comfortable.  I was nice and cool and my tummy didn't hurt anymore and... I was on the floor.  Holy crap!  I got up quickly -- which, for the record was not a good idea -- and tried to get quickly back to my desk.  I have to think I wasn't on the floor very long because it was in the break room and people are in and out of there all the time.  If I was there for even a minute, I think someone would have found me.

Anyway, I wasn't able to make it back to my desk, so I stopped off at my friend, Kevin's desk to rest.  Apparently, I did not look good because he and all the folks who sit around him freaked out.  Kevin wanted to lay me down on the floor with my feet up, but he settled for getting me some water and some ice for the bump on my head, which by this point, was KILLING.  He kept pointing to and calling out this scrape on my arm but all I could think about was the fact that I couldn't see anything with all these flashing lights in my vision and how frigging BAD my head hurt.  I must have hit it HARD when I fell.  I was dizzy and spacy and nauseous and couldn't see and, I guess, SUPER pale.  Kevin said my skin and lips were completely grey and, judging by how he was speaking to me, he was super worried.  He walked me back to my desk where I tried to call Matt but he didn't answer.  So I called Dr. Lawson's office and explained what happened.  She wasn't at all worried about the baby but was very concerned about my head and my symptoms.  She wanted me to go straight to the ER.  Liz, the lady in the cube next to me, heard me on the phone and came over to check on me and just kind of stopped and stared, stunned.  I must have looked really disturbing because she was really freaked out.  She offered to drive me to the ER about 6 times and when I explained that I really wanted to wait for Matt, she printed out directions so we wouldn't have to rely on our GPS.  (I couldn't remember that word and kept calling it GCPS -- which stands for Gwinnett County Public Schools -- and I think that may be part of what upset her so much, that I seemed so confused and out of it).

I took me awhile to get a hold of Matt and in the mean time, several more people offered to drive me to the ER.  By the time I did get a hold of him, both Kevin and Liz told me that my color looked much better and I was feeling a lot better myself.  I didn't feel as nauseous anymore and I had stopped sweating and my vision had started to clear.  Kevin helped me pack and and sat with me out in front of the building while I waited for Matt, just to be sure I didn't pass out again.  I told him that even if I did, someone would find me but he was worried that if someone did find me, they'd call 911 then I wouldn't be there when poor Matt arrived and then Matt, who was already freaked out, would probably freak out even more.  It ended up taking Matt several hours to get there due to a number of factors, so by the time he was there, I felt fine except for the bump on my head.  So I decided not to go to the ER.  I was quite confident I didn't have a concussion by that point and I didn't want to sit for hours in the stupid ER and spend the hundreds of dollars it would take just to check in let alone get seen, get treated, and have tests run.  So we came home.  I was very tired.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to sleep well because of this stupid bump on my head.  It's in exactly the wrong spot to lay my head down any way except on my right side and I just can't sleep all night long in the same position.  So I woke up a lot.  But I got through and there's no bump on my head this morning, just a very  sensitive bruise.

So I have that experience now.  :)

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