Tuesday, April 1, 2014

15 weeks, 6 days - I don't think we'll find out

And by "find out," I mean the gender.  I don't know for sure.  Everyone's been asking us, well, they've been asking me.  I haven't talked to Matt about it at all.  I don't know if it's because I keep forgetting I'm pregnant or if it's because I hardly ever see Matt and I don't think of it when I do, but we haven't said a word about it to one another since... goodness.  Since before we had the first ultrasound, I think.  I'm leaning toward not finding out, but if he feels strongly about it, I could be persuaded.  I think.  I don't know.  I can't describe how much I loved hearing him say, "it's a boy!" during the delivery.  It's one of the most memorable sounds of my entire life.  I don't know if I like the idea of finding out ahead of time and spoiling that moment.  It won't be spoiled per se, but I just liked it.  I think I just re-talked myself into not finding out.  Sorry, Aunt Amy.

In other news, Nana is coming down to visit today!  Hooray!  I can't wait for her to see Henry boy and how big and silly he's gotten.  He's just so sweet and fun these days, I can't wait for her to experience it.  :D


  1. More gender nuetral gifts it is... like green tutus, hair bows/bow ties and well there are always the animal costumes.

    Yay for your mom visiting tell mama Pieper I said hi :)

  2. I can imagine hearing "it's a boy" during the delivery must have been so wonderful and exciting. I guess Aunt Amy can live with not knowing for another 5 months : )
