Friday, April 25, 2014

19 weeks, 2 days - The ER

Ugh.  I had the delightful experience of spending my day in the stupid Emergency Room yesterday.  My OB called me back yesterday morning to check on me and find out how I fared at the ER after fainting.  When I admitted that I hadn't gone, she was none too pleased and encouraged me to go in immediately.  I told her that I didn't have any more symptoms and that I was fine but she said she was worried about internal bleeding, if not a concussion.  Blah.

I thought about it a lot and thought about what I'd say to Amy or Sheri if one of them told me the same story and how disappointed I'd be in one of them if they didn't go.  So I went.  Against my better judgement and against my wishes, I went.  And it took forever and it was stupid and they didn't even do a CT scan because I'm pregnant and she thought the risk of the radiation would be greater than the risk of a concussion or internal bleeding based on my symptoms so they drew blood, ran a thousand tests, and let me sit there for four hours.  In the end, everything is fine, but I do have a UTI.  And I guess it's good that they found that.   I mean, I'm sure they would have found it at one of my OB appointments because I pee in a cup for every one of those.  But whatever.  It's good that they found it sooner rather than later.

In the end, it was probably good that I went.  The ER doc was actually really really great.  I kind of wish she wasn't an ER doc and was just in internal medicine.  I liked her a lot a lot.  I might follow her career to see if i can ever see her in another capacity.  I really liked her.  And the facility was nice.  And we feel confident that there's nothing wrong with my head so that was worth it in and of itself, I guess.  We never really go to the bottom of why I fainted, as my blood work came back perfect, but she suspected it was because of the severe stomach pains I was having.  I told her that I'd never fainted from pain before, but she said everything is different when  you're pregnant and everything is different with every pregnancy so just because it happened before, doesn't mean it will happen again and just because it didn't happen before, doesn't mean it won't happen again.  Goodness.

In the mean time, I'm very sore.  Aside from the very sensitive bruise on my head, I'm finding bumps and scrapes and bruises that I didn't notice before.  I have a bruise on my chin.  And one on my arm.  And my joints are very sore.  I'm just kind of all over achy and I have a killer headache pretty much all the time.  So.  I guess this is my excuse not to eat vegetables, eh?  Blimey.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you went my friend! I wish they had a more conclusive reason for the fainting and knew your noggin was okay but still good you went. :)... now give me some belly pictures :D
