Thursday, April 10, 2014

17 weeks, 1 day - Belly pic!

So I've for sure got a thickening waist, though that might have more to do with the delicious foods in Austin than the little flutter-by, fluttering away in my belly.
I mean, I'm for sure getting fatter, though it doesn't look much like my belly is growing, does it?  I didn't take a 17 week photo with Henry so I don't have a compare to do.  

As suggested above, little bump is moving and grooving.  I feel him/her frequently, mostly in the evening around the time I go pick up Henry from Aunt Amy's.  Moving, moving, moving.  I wish I could remember how much Henry moved.  I don't think I felt him this early, but it's bizarre to me to imagine I wouldn't have figured out that this was a baby moving.  Baby is moving A TON.  How could I have mistaken this for gas or something?  Crazy.  I'll have to read back my Henry blog to see when I noticed.

Ha, I just checked it out.  Apparently, I first felt movement at 17 weeks, 5 days.  At least I'm consistent!  Next Dr. appointment is a week from tomorrow.  I think they'll schedule me for my 20 week ultrasound at this next appointment which is SOO exciting.  We've decided unequivocally that we will not find out the gender, so it'll just be a fun day to look at pics.  

Oh! Also, I've noticed that my uterus feels bigger than it's supposed to at this point.  I just looked back at my old blog and found that it was like that with Henry, too.  I wonder if that's why I'm not really showing and wasn't last time, either.  Maybe it just grows tall instead of out?  Very interesting.  I wonder if Dr. Lawson will say anything about it like Dr. Elliot did.  Crazy.  

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