Monday, May 5, 2014

20 weeks, 5 days - Ultrasound video!

Ok, let me start by apologizing for not yet posting the ultrasound pics.  I tried to last week but the pics I took of the pics were too small to see anything.  Matt took video of it, though, so I've attempted to include it below.  I've never added a video to a blog before, so if it doesn't work, sorry.  If it does work, however, you should be able to see a little arm up around the head now and then.  I don't know if you'll be able to distinguish anything from it but I feel like it's easier to see stuff in the video than in just a pic.
Anyway, all was awesome at the perinatologist.  Really.  It was pretty much as awesome as Holly's story was upsetting.  Our tech was great and then the doctor came in and was just... awesome.  He introduced himself and asked if we had any questions, told us what he does and how he's different from a regular ob, then walked us through every single thing he saw on the ultrasound.  It was really magnificent.  I don't wish he was my doctor (because that would mean we had a problem making us high risk) but he really was great and I had a fantastic experience with him.  Thank you, Dr. Gomez.

I felt a little sad when I saw the other ladies in the waiting room, though.  Maybe they were there because they're also 35 but maybe not.  Maybe their babies have some sort of genetic abnormality.  Or the mama is sick somehow.  It just made me very sad to see all of them in the waiting room.  I just looked at them and wondered what it was that made them high risk.  

Anyway, long and short of it is that everything is great!  Baby looks fine and is quite punchy.  Ha!  Really.  The tech kept poking him/her because she needed him/her to roll over to finish her measurements and at one point, Baby started punching the spot where she was poking like he/she was hitting a speed bag.  Bam bam bam bam!  It was really funny.  Ultrasounds are so very cool.  It's so amazing to both feel and see what's happening at the same time.  I loved feeling the baby move and then being able to see what he/she was actually doing.  Dr. Gomez said that Baby was lying face down and head down with his/her legs straight out.  And I could see that his/hear arms were up over his/her head.  Ha!  So much for the pic of a baby all cramped up tight like a little ball.  Not this one!  Baby's feet are way up under my ribs, I guess.  I can't believe my uterus was up that high, but when Dr. Gomez was looking at the feet, he had the ultrasound thing really up in my ribs.  So again, maybe that's why I don't have much of a bulge; if baby is all stretched out, what's there to bulge?  Silly baby.

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