Tuesday, May 6, 2014

20 weeks, 6 days - Announcements, announcements, announcements!

I sent out an announcement email yesterday to make sure all my loved ones knew.  Most of them do but I was worried that I'd missed someone and sure enough, missed a few someones I did.  Like the entire Pieper side of my family.  Eek!  Talk about an oversight!  My goodness.  But anyway, that's a huge check off the list of things to do.  Been meaning to do that for a LOOOONG time now.  I sent out the house and baby announcement in the same email.  Here's what I sent:

Big news on our home front!  We've moved!  Of course, that happened back in February, so there's a good chance you've heard this big news and it's not big news anymore.  But we built a lovely home just a couple of blocks from Matt's parents' house.  We have a nice sized yard and plenty of room for guests so please take this as an open invitation to visit us whenever!  I've attached a pic of our house from the close date below.  Who'd have thought we'd close during a snowstorm... in Georgia?  My goodness.  Anyway, our new address is as follows:

214 Westwind Drive
Newnan, GA  30263

Henry boy is growing like a weed.  As he approaches his second birthday, he's talking up a storm (though not always legibly) and expanding on his silly and sassy little personality.  Since we moved down to Newnan, he's been going to a Montessori school for a few hours a day, 3 days/week and then spends the afternoons with Aunt Amy or Grandma (in addition to living a couple of blocks from Matt's parents, we're about 5 miles from his sister and her family).  Henry loves playing with his big cousins and it's been really cool to see how much braver he's gotten by playing with the older kids than he had playing with kids his own age at daycare.  It's been a pretty good transition all around.  I've attached a couple of pictures of him that we took back in March.  He looks pretty much the same, though he has a little more hair now than in these pics. 

Other than that, Matt is still working nights at CNN and I'm still working days at IBM so we see each other on weekends.   It's not ideal but we both have jobs, so there's not much to complain about.  

Hope all is super and that life is treating you grand!

love Manda, Matt, & Henry

I got back quite a few responses asking for clarification on Hanky T's tshirt, but mostly, it was just congratulations.  

No real updates otherwise.  Still just plugging along.  Nana sent me a BUNCH of super cute maternity dresses that don't look like maternity clothes so I've been wearing those to work.  I feel so much better now that I've got some clothes that don't look frumpy and that actually fit me.  We have the glucose test scheduled for the first week in June.  I'm a little nervous about that as I failed it last time then had the absolute worst day of my life after I took the follow up one.  Hopefully I'll pass the first time this go around.  I do not want to repeat that second level test, egads!  And that's about it.  Almost 5 months along!  So crazy!

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