Monday, February 3, 2014

7 weeks, 5 days - Moving on up!

Well, it's official!  We live in Newnan, GA.  In our giant, echoy, cavernous house.  It's funny that I didn't think it was giant or cavernous before we moved in but the bedroom felt very different last night when I trying to sleep in it and the living room felt very large yesterday when Matt was coming in from the foyer and my bathroom felt ridiculously large this morning as I was getting ready for work.  It still doesn't seem real.  It still feels like we're sleeping over at someone else's house.  Maybe it's because I don't know where anything is or that living out of boxes feels like living out of a suitcase and I just had to make do (or is it due?... I've never thought about that before) with what I could find.  I'm sure as we unpack and stay there longer, it will get to feeling more and more like our own.  But for now, it feels like we're squatting in someone else's house.

As far as baby news goes, I'm still spotting.  Not sure whether or not to call the doctor back.  I'm beginning to think it happens most when I've over done it a bit.  I probably won't call the doctor.  Maybe I should.  Ugh.  I just wish I had my appointment sooner.  I'll be 8 weeks on Wednesday but my appointment isn't until two weeks from today.  Also, I don't know if it's because I don't remember well the early days of being pregnant with Henry, because now that I have Henry, I can't just do whatever I want whenever I want, or because these symptoms are genuinely worse, but I just... I can't believe how I'm feeling these days.  I'm SOOO tired, it's nearly indescribable.  I get a little tired of hearing how exhausted I look.  I feel sick pretty much all the time.  Sometimes it's nausea but mostly, it's just gross.  Like a hang over.  I get really winded and short of breath after doing things like going up a flight of stairs.  I have to rest at the top frequently.  Just bizarre.  None of it actually is bizarre; they're all very normal pregnancy symptoms, but I just don't remember any of it with Henry aside from some mild nausea.  Oh, and I have a stuffy nose all the time.  Why is THAT a pregnancy symptom?  So weird.  This pregnancy may end up being a lot more like a normal pregnancy than Henry's was.  I felt like I missed out on stuff with his because it was so easy, I gained so little weight, and I never got very big.  I sure would like to stop feeling so yucky, though.  Blerg.  I took a nap when I got to work this morning because I was afraid I was going to fall asleep on the way here.  It took me an hour and fifteen minutes to an hour and a half to get here this morning and let me tell you, it was a STRUGGLE.  I made it and I'm safe and sound, but I'm just so tired that I don't know how I'm going to make it through the day.  If only I had an office, I'd shut the door and take a 5 minute nap every hour.  Hopefully, once things get going, I'll wake up and be fine.  Otherwise, it's going to be a looooong day...

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