Monday, February 17, 2014

9 weeks, 5 days - First Dr. Appointment

Today's the day.  11:00 am.  I'm so very scared.  Scared maybe isn't the right word.  Worried.  Nervous.  Anxious.  Please say a little prayer for us today.
UPDATE: Got back from the doctor.  All is fine.  There's one baby in there with a heartbeat of 174.  Hooray hooray hooray!!  The ultrasound tech called it "our little teddy bear" which I think is awfully cute since my mom calls Henry "Teddy Boy."  So we now have a Teddy Boy and a Teddy Bear.  :)  I'll post pics tomorrow and you'll be able to see why.  One of the pics she gave us looks very much like a teddy bear, with the little arm and leg buds sprawled out to the side.

We were petrified when we first got to the ultrasound waiting room because shortly after we sat down, there was a woman in there who started sobbing and left.  All I could think was that she got bad news and I couldn't help but remember when that was us.  And trying so hard not to cry coming out of the ultrasound because I didn't want to scare other women.  But it wasn't us this time.

And Dr. Lawson gave me a prescription for morning sickness meds if we want them.  And she gave me prenatals with extra ginger and B6 to help combat morning sickness.  And she also gave me a sheet with a bunch of over the counter remedies we could try if we wanted.  That gave me a lot of hope for feeling better in the future.  I've also decided that this little Teddy Bear is a girl.  Must be.  Why else would she be making me so sick and have a heartbeat of 174?  Henry's at 9 weeks was 170.  Almost the same but this is a little higher.  Must be a girl.  :D

Next appointment is on 3/7.  Whoopie!  Now, to tell the families.  Surprise, Aunt Stevie!

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