Thursday, February 27, 2014

11 weeks, 1 day - My little Limey

Well, baby, you're allegedly the length of a lime or a beetroot or a fig this week.  I feel like those are all dramatically different sizes, but that's what the different sites say.  So weird.  think I said I'd post the baby center pic of what you look like this week, so here goes:
Allegedly, your fingers and toes are no longer webbed, which is pretty cool.

I don't know if it's because I've been feeling better so I've been eating more or if I'm just bloated, but I was horrified to step on the scale this morning and see it ring in at a whopping 4 lbs more than it did when we went to the doctor 1.5 weeks ago.  Not good.  I'm hoping that I'm just retaining water or it's because I ate a lot or something because really, nobody -- regardless of whether they're pregnant or not -- should gain 4 lbs in 1.5 weeks.  I was hoping to not gain any at all in the first trimester.  Oh this baby.  I figured for sure you were a girl, little one, because I was very sick at first and I wasn't at all with your brother.  Also, the old wives tales say that girls steal your beauty and I haven't been looking particularly beautiful lately.  But lately, sweets taste bad in my mouth.  Like really really bad.  Chocolate leaves the most disgusting metallic taste in my mouth and I can't even finish hard candies that I start.  Which is really weird for me because I love hard candy.  Oh, this is relevant because the old wives tales say that if you're craving sweets, it's a girl.  Anyway, sweets taste bad to me and I've been eating a lot of fatty, salty foods like ham and cheesy potatoes and cheese.  Lots of cheese.  So maybe it's a boy?  Goodness.  Those old wives are enough to drive a girl mad!

It doesn't really matter if you're a boy or girl.  We'll love you so much regardless.  We're hoping that you're happy and healthy.  Grandpa, Grandma, and Aunt Melonie have requested a girl, but I told them that it's not really up to me.  I think they'll be pretty happy regardless, too.  I think it would be awfully fun for Henry to have a little brother, but then again, a little sister would round out our family nicely, too.  We'll be so happy either way.

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