Wednesday, February 26, 2014

11 weeks, 0 days - Oh what a day

Oi vey.  Seriously.  Oi.  Vey.  Today has been a truly amazing day.  It started off by me getting up 20 minutes late.  Not a big deal in and of itself, but it set the tone for the morning.  I got ready to go with no problem and was sitting in the car at 6:22 as opposed to my normal 6:02.  Backed up out of the garage into the pouring rain with no trouble.  But the garage door opener didn't work.  So I got to get out of the car -- in the pouring rain -- to close the garage door.  Annoying, but not that big a deal.  Fast forward to 8:25 when I'm finally pulling into the parking lot at work.  Ugh.  Two.  Hour.  Commute. That doesn't make anyone happy.  Especially when they've got an 8:30 meeting that everyone else was complaining about and you've gone and told them to grow up and get up a few minutes earlier.  Whoops.  Anyway, I get out of the car to rush into the building, only to find that my yogurt had fallen out of my bag, rolled around and had somehow gotten itself impaled on a shard of firewood that I hadn't been cleaned out of the car yet.  Yogurt everywhere.  Annoying.  But whatever, I grabbed my bag and darted into work.  As I was walking into the building, the strap on my bag broke.  Really?  Come on.  It's an old bag and I knew it was going, but today of all days?  Goodness.  About 200 yards later, the other frigging strap broke.  Seriously.  Both straps.  At that point, I looked around to see if I was on Candid Camera or something.  How can that many things go wrong before 8:30 am?

Let's just hope that we got all of the annoyances out of the day early and I've got a great rest of the day ahead of me!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Aunt Manda! Your morning sounds like something you'd see on a movie. Both straps broke! C'MON!
