Monday, February 10, 2014

8 weeks and 5 days - Just more of the same

Remember the crippling TWO inches of snow we got a couple of weeks ago?  Well, they're calling for it again.  Except this time, it's supposed to include ice.  Ugh.  We've got a winter storm watch starting tonight at 7 and ending on Thursday at 7 am.  The worst of it is supposed to be on Tuesday night.  So what do I do?  Tuesdays are my big meeting days and we have our big, important, bi-weekly "PMO" meeting tomorrow until 5.  Hmm... watch the weather, I guess and make sure that I have a good roadside assistant kit.  My friend, Kevin, who was stuck on the road for 23 hours last time decided that, while his kit was good, he didn't have the materials he'd need to deliver a child in case it came up, so he's rethinking his packing.  Ha!  There's a true boy scout.  He really said that.  No foolin.

As planned, I went back in on Friday to have my blood drawn.  I saw the same nurse and, like on the phone, she told me that my results reassured her and that she felt like things were going to be fine.  So I'm waiting on the results of that blood draw to make sure that the numbers aren't going down.  I guess they don't need to go up at this point, but they shouldn't be going down.  I'm REALLY glad I went in because I've still been having quite a bit of spotting and even MORE cramping than I'd been having so if I hadn't, I think I'd be freaking out.  I'm still a little anxious, so I'll look forward to her call telling me unequivocally that things seem to be ok.  She stuck me funny, though.  I remember that my mom gave blood once and afterward, she had a lot of pain in her arm that lingered for a long time.  That's what happened to me this time.  Mine isn't nearly as bad as hers was, but I had and continue to have pain not only in the spot where she stuck me, but radiating up and down my arm.  On Friday and Saturday, my arm was weak and I wasn't sure I was going to be able to hold Henry.  I was and it was fine, but it's a very interesting sensation.  They must have hit a nerve or something.  I'm not sure what happened but it was weird and I hope it doesn't happen again.

One week until my ultrasound.  It cannot come soon enough for this mama.
UPDATE:  The doctor's office just called.  My numbers went up, not by much but they did go up a little bit.  She said that I'm far enough along at this point and my numbers are already so high that they don't expect them to go up by much.  So we should be clear.  Thank goodness.  So, on to see a heartbeat next week!!  Woo-hoo!!

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