Wednesday, February 19, 2014

10 weeks, 0 days - Huzzah! and Sonogram Pic

"Looking good, Manda Ray!"  "Feeling good, Mandis!"

I don't know if it's the different prenatals my doctor gave me (she gave me ones with ginger and vit. B6 to help with nausea) or if it's that I'm eating more protein or that I'm further along now, but I'm feeling fabulous.  Absolutely fabulous.  No complaints.  I mean, sure, I'm tired and what not but ugh, I just feel soooo much better!  Hooray!!!  I'll post the Teddy Bear pics later today or tonight.  They're on my phone which is in the car and I don't feel like walking out there right now.  It's 1/2 mile from my desk out to the spot I parked in the parking lot and that's just a long walk for right now.  I'll do it in a bit.

Other news from the appointment: I may not be changing doctors.  I talked to her about our new situation and how funny I am about OBs and how  I stayed in DC because of Drs Lashgiri and Elliot and that I like her so much but that since she's over an hour away, I'm not sure it makes sense but if she doesn't have anyone she'd recommend, I wouldn't change because I don't like the idea of finding someone online.  Anyway, apparently, she has a good friend from med school who is down there somewhere (she couldn't remember which hospital) and she assured me that I'd like her.  I need to look her up and make sure she takes my insurance and that she's at a hospital not too far from our place, but that sounds promising.  She also said that we could consider scheduling an inducement at 39 weeks (provided everything looks good for it) so that I could be sure to deliver with her.  So that's an option, too.  We'll see.

We talked to her about all of my questions, from my diet last time to Henry being so small to me not gaining the recommend amount of weight to my low amniotic fluid to whether or not I can have coffee.  It was really great.  She's a really fabulous doctor.  I can see why she's good friends with Dr. Lashgiri.  They're very similar.  She took her time with me and I didn't feel rushed for a second and I felt like she listened and explained and... I just like her so much.   So so much.  Also, if I do stay with her, she said that she starts to rotate you through all the doctors at about 30 weeks so I'd end up seeing her most of the time.  Basically, she made me want to stay with her.  We'll see.  She mentioned that second babies usually come faster and she seemed to think it might be an issue since my last labor was so fast, but I don't really know if that counts because I didn't go into labor naturally.  Who knows?

Anyway.  Sonogram pics to come!
UPDATE:  Here they be!  All fresh and shiny.  The first one is the one she called our Teddy Bear.  You can see the little arm and leg buds sticking out to the sides.  You can also see the yolk sac above TB's head, which I think is a little weird.  Yolk sac.  Sounds very... chickenish.  Anyway, very cool.

This one doesn't look like much other than a kidney bean, but I included it because it show's TB's size.  I think that's pretty cool.  He/she's just over an inch long.  Which is just what everything says he/she would be at this point, but it's still kind of cool to see.  Hooray!  There's a baby in there!

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