Thursday, February 20, 2014

10 weeks, 1 day - Spilling the Beans

Well, I just sent out a message to Uncle Geoff, Aunt Stevie, and Uncle Eric that should spill the beans on baby Teddy Bear.  It went a little something like this:

Subject: Guess what

I'm interested to see what they write back.  Once they do, I'll note that he seems to be pretty happy about it and send back this photo:

I wish so much this pic wasn't so blurry and that you could read his shirt.  So cute.  There are some other kind of sassy ones, but these are the best so they're what we went with.  We're going to tell Matt's family on Sunday.  We're having them over for brunch after mass so we'll take off Henry's dress shirt to show this one underneath.  I wonder how long it will take someone to notice.  Ha!  We don't expect Uncle Andrew and Aunt Allie to make it on Sunday, so we'll send the same pic we sent to Aunt Stevie, Uncle Eric, & Uncle Geoff over to them as well as Aunt Melonie and Uncle Bernie after we tell the rest of them.  It'll be so nice for everyone to know!  Well, not everyone.  We won't tell the greater population until after the end of the first trimester.  But then, hurrah!


  1. YAAAAAYY!! so excited!! and can't wait to meet the lil nug!! all new books will have to be for second baby, even if henry reads them, so second baby won't feel bad. Congrats!!!!

  2. Hooray! I'm so glad you know now. It's been so hard not talking about it. Such a relief!
