Wednesday, February 5, 2014

8 weeks, 0 days - kidney beans and raspberries

Eight weeks today!  Depending on the site you use, baby P is either the size of a kidney bean or a raspberry. A week and half left until our ultrasound.  I'm still nervous and worried because I'm regularly having light cramping and spotting.  The spotting is never heavy and the cramping is never painful, but it's still so upsetting and nerve racking.  I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst while staying positive.  I think I'll call the doctor.

Aside from that, though, I think I've found the charm.  I was reading back through my old blog and saw that last time, if I kept something on my stomach at all times, I didn't get sick.  So I tried it.  And lo and behold, I felt good.  So, I've started eating 1/2 a cracker every 2 hours.  It keeps something on my tummy and is super manageable throughout the entire work day.  No matter how busy I am, I can slip away and jam a cracker in my mouth.  And for the record, my crackers are the size of graham crackers so 1/2 of them is still a decent sized snack.  Bigger than a saltine.  Anyway, hooray for feeling better!
UPDATE: I did end up calling the doctor and was able to talk to the same triage nurse as last time. She was a bit incredulous that I was still spotting and cramping but only called back today. I reemphasized how truly inconvenient it is for me to get in there. Anyway, she recommended that I come in for blood work because my appointment is still a week and a half away and, as she so rightly put it, that's an awfully long time to worry. So I did. She'll call if my results are in before I go back on Friday but otherwise, I'm to come in on Friday at 1:30 to have more blood work done. They'll compare my hcg levels between the two to make sure they're rising enough. She'll also look at my progesterone level to make sure it's high enough. So. That's where I'm at. If my levels aren't rising enough, they'll have to take a look or something so maybe I'll go in sooner. Who's to say?  If they are rising enough, then it's just a way to ease my mind. Either way, it should be good that I went in. I just wish I wasn't still spotting. It's been almost a month and it's been pretty consistent with both the spotting and cramping. :(

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