Tuesday, March 4, 2014

11 weeks, 6 days - Please be gentle, little one

Oh little baby, mommy is so very tired.  Please try to be more gentle with her because we've still got a long way to go.  Thank you for not making me as sick anymore, but if you could do anything to work on the exhaustion, I'd really appreciate it.  I can't believe you're almost 12 weeks along.  It's funny how quickly that time has gone by... and how slowly at the same time.  Frequently, when I'm not feeling terrible or exhausted, I completely forget that I'm pregnant.  Crazy!

I'm becoming more and more convinced that you're a little girl.  So much so that I almost bought you some little girl things at a consignment sale I went to with your grandma last week.  I had to stop myself because there's a 50% chance that you're not, in fact, a little girl.  I just can't imagine how your pregnancy can be so dramatically different if you're the same gender as your brother.  I've done the old wives tale quizzes and they say that you're either a girl or a boy.  Big help there.  The Chinese charts say that you're a boy.  I'm craving salty snacks, which would point to a boy but am so sick that you must be a girl.  Also, my emotions are crazy which would point to a girl.  I don't know.  We still haven't decided if we're going to find out your gender ahead of time or not.  We really liked the surprise with your brother but both your daddy and I are pretty anxious to know with you.  We'll see.  We still have time.

I hope you're staying warm and well nourished in there!  Practice those kicks and flips that you'll get so good at over the next few months.  Mommy can't wait to meet you!

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