Tuesday, March 25, 2014

14 weeks, 6 days - Lunch Bump

Ugh.  I wore a purple sweater dress yesterday and, lovely as it is, it does not leave a whole lot to the imagination.  Each time I went to the bathroom, I had a mini panic attack because I had a pooch popping out that kind of made it look like I was pregnant.  Which I am, but since I'm not actually showing yet, I really shouldn't look like I am, you know?  As soon as I went to the bathroom, all was back to normal and it was fine, but my bladder seems to make my tummy pop out a bit more than it normally does these days.  As pointed out by dear Aunt Amy when I stopped by to pick up Henry boy last night.  She noted my poochy tummy and got all excited that I'm starting to show.  I tried to assure her that it wasn't really a baby, that still, the little dude is siting so low that I honestly do not have a baby tummy yet but she didn't believe me.  She assured me that it's just exactly what a 14 week belly is supposed to look like and I tried to assure her that my 14 week belly would go away when I peed.  She didn't believe me.  So now I just feel fat and insecure all the time and super worried that people are going to start noticing WAY before I want them to.  I was hoping I could get to June without telling folks at work but based on yesterday, I'm not sure that's going to work out.  Blah.  I need to stop eating dessert.  As I was telling Stevie last night, while I don't actually have a belly yet (contrary to what stupid Aunt Amy may think), my thighs have gotten bigger.  Unfortunately, I'm not carrying a baby in my thighs so there's really not much of an excuse for that.  D'oh!


  1. This reminds me of that episode of "Modern Family" when Gloria is, like, 8 1/2 months pregnant and super angry that someone thought she was pregnant, but she was, and eventually popped out of her clothes cause she refused to wear maternity clothes. Don't pop out of your clothes. You're pregnant! Maybe you are showing early! At the very least, you have a darn good excuse to TELL everyone it's cause you're pregnant!! I'm sure you're beautiful. :)

    1. Meh. yes, yes, yes. And I LOVE having a fat, pregnant belly. The point is I don't. Any poochy belly I have right now is just fat. That's why I don't like it. If it was a baby belly, it would be happy and cute. But it's not. It's just a fat belly. As far as I'm concerned, it's no different than if someone said something about me being pregnant 6 months ago. Do you see what I"m saying? If I had a baby belly, it would be one thing. But I don't. So any belly they're seeing is just really calling me chubby. nobody understands me.
