Tuesday, March 18, 2014

13 weeks, 6 days - Last day!

"It's the final count down..." Please imagine the wicked beats of everybody's favorite band, Europe, rocking away with the groovy melody we've all come to know and love, thanks to one George Oscar Bluth (Gob).  

I can't believe it's the last day of my first trimester!!  During the nausea days, it felt like it was never going to end but otherwise, I can't believe how quickly the time has flown by.  I've honestly forgotten that I'm pregnant a bunch of times.  That never happened before.  I may not have focused on it every single minute (but almost) but it was never far from my mind.  This time, I just kind of... well, I forget until something happens that reminds me.  Exhaustion.  Poochy tummy when I have to go potty.  Brief spell of nausea when I smell particular foods.  

Also, I'm feeling fabulous.  Like totally rad, super awesome, fabuloso.  I didn't want to go to bed last night.  And that's after working an entire day, long commute and all.  I got home, made cupcakes, fed the baby, put him to bed, did some laundry.  And still didn't feel like going to bed!  Amazing!  Talk about second trimester burst of energy!  Let's hope this sticks around!  Maybe I'll start exercising... how novel!  Or, you know, get my house unpacked.  Ha!  Second trimester, bring it on!!!

Still no tummy to speak of, though I haven't been watching my weight at all.  I've been too nervous to step on the scale.  I think my waist is thickening, but I don't have a bump yet unless my bladder is really full.  And, frankly, the waist thickening might just be the fact that I'm not on a diet for the first time in forever.  Still.  Super excited for second trimester!!!

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