Thursday, March 13, 2014

13 weeks, 1 day - Changing my tune

I know I've weighed in already that I was pretty sure Nugget was a girl, but I'm beginning to question my confidence in that.  I had a dream the other night about Baby and the whole time, I referred to Baby as 'him."  Him, him, him.  He.  Also, sweets have really been souring in my mouth.  And not in a tasty, good way.  More like in a disgusting, poisonous way.  Chocolate.  Ice cream.  What the what?  Granted, I'm not that into salty snacks right now, either.  All I ever want, ever, is fruit candy.  Or sweet fruit.  Peaches.  Blueberries.  Real strawberries (not the tasteless lumps you get at the grocery store).  Fruit snacks.  Applesauce.  Fruit puree popsicles.  I can't get enough sweet fruits.  So, I don't know what that means.  But now, I'm back to waffling about Baby's gender.  I know that Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Mel all are pulling for a girl.  Mama and Dadda are pulling for a gorgeous, healthy baby.  I'm pretty sure everyone else would agree on that, also.  Sweet babies.

Aside from that, not too much to report.  I've been avoiding weighing myself because I feel disgusting, ugly, and fat all the time but I don't think I have a bump yet.  My clothes aren't fitting me tightly, but I have started wearing my normal clothes again.  I haven't tried the skinny clothes in awhile so I don't know if I switched due to necessity or just because I'm feeling so yucky about myself.  Not to be confused with feeling yucky, because I certainly don't.  I think I'm officially done with morning sickness and it seems like I've gotten or am getting the energy burst that's supposed to come with the second trimester.  I can't believe we're just days away from that!  Crazy.  Not nearly as tired as I've been so that's great.  Still hoping for an even BIGGER burst coming, but I'm trying to temper my expectations.  So yeah.  All good!

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