Monday, March 10, 2014

12 weeks, 5 days - Too early to feel movement, right?

We had a doctor appointment on Friday, just to take my weight and blood pressure and hear the heartbeat.  Nothing big to report (thank goodness!) but baby's heart rate was strong and so cool to hear.  167-168.  I don't know why, but it's kind of cooler to hear it on the dopplar rather than the sonogram.  Maybe because with the sonogram (is there a difference between a sono and an ultrasound?), there's stuff to actually look at so the coolness of the sound is dwarfed by the coolness of the actual baby.  Either way, it was cool.  While I was there, the doctor asked me if I'd felt the baby move yet.  I smiled, sharing in her joke, but she wasn't joking.  After my smile changed to incredulity, she said, "no, no, probably not.  It's probably too early still."  Which got me thinking.  You know, I have been feeling movements in my belly that feel like a baby moving, but I'd assumed that it was still like a month too early, so I passed it off as something else.  But is it possible that I'm feeling this little wonder at 12 weeks?  Madness.

I also told her that I thought I might be feeling Braxon Hicks (or as Aunt Amy so fondly refers to them, Tony Braxton) contractions, but I also kind of brushed those off as being way too early.  She agreed with me and said it's probably something else.  But I was in bed on Sunday and my tummy got distinctively hard.  I even had Matt feel just to make sure I wasn't being crazy.  Sure enough, I had a hard area where my uterus would be.  And it's way way too early for the fundus to be up that high, so what else could it have been?  So, at 12 weeks gestational age, this little nugget may already be a crazy over achiever.

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