Friday, March 21, 2014

14 weeks, 2 days - "Gluten Free" pizza

Boooo... my favorite "gluten free" pizza turns out to be not that gluten free after all.  I'd been getting sick off of it for months, but I always load it up with jalapenos and crushed red pepper so I thought it was the heat that was tearing up my stomach.  On Wednesday, Grandpa very kindly ordered me a pizza from the normal place, but since he didn't know what I usually get, he didn't order it with jalapenos.  I ate a couple of pieces of it before I left Amy's after picking up Henry that night and brought the rest of it home with me.  I ended up feeling pretty awful yesterday but chalked it up to pregnancy stuff since I go on and off on how I feel day to day.  I was back to feeling pretty good by 3:30 pm so I warmed up the last two pieces and ate those for a late brunch.  I ended up getting so full off of those that I didn't eat again yesterday.  Just to be clear, that was two pieces of a small pizza and they filled me up for an entire day.  That doesn't sound right.  I shouldn't be full to bursting off of two pieces of pizza, especially after not eating all day.  But I was.  And remained so until I went to bed at 10.  And then I woke up sick at midnight.  And 3 am.  And 7 am.  And I still feel poorly.  Dagnabit.  I'm so disappointed.  It says right on their website that there's likely to be contamination with the pizza but I just never really thought about it.  Since the "no jalapenos" experience, I'm quite confident and feel pretty foolish in retrospect that I didn't realize it until now.  In my defense, I think I was quite a bit sicker off of this one than I've been in the past, so I suspect there was more contamination in it but it feels really silly that I've been getting sick off of something for so long and I continued to eat it.  Sorry little baby.  I hope this doesn't affect you at all.  :(

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