Wednesday, June 25, 2014

28 weeks, 0 days - Third trimester?! Bring it on!!

Holy moses.  Third trimester.  Wha wha what?  When did that happen?  After next week's dr. appt, we'll be going in every two weeks.  I'm not thrilled about that -- and Holly said she didn't have to do that -- but if it's what me doctor wants, it's what me doctor gets.  With this next appointment, I start seeing a different doctor in the practice in case Dr. Lawson isn't "on" when I go into labor.

It's kind of funny, now that we're getting so much closer to our due date, I'm starting to think more practically about logistics and how things are going to work out.  I was going to request that everyone just stay home until we have the baby, i.e. Grandma and Grandpa wouldn't be sitting in the hospital waiting.  But now that we're getting closer, I'm beginning to realize that Grandma or Grandpa may be there by default because I can't drive myself to the hospital!  Ideally, I'd go into labor while Matt is home but how likely is that really?  No idea.  Also, we're going to need to determine who will watch Henry.  I'm assuming it will be Aunt Amy, but I probably should ask her.  Especially if Grandma or Grandpa has to take me to the hospital.  Maybe it will be Uncle Dave.  Who knows?  It's just funny that I hadn't thought for a second about it until now.  With Henry, it was my biggest fear and worry so I spent countless hours thinking about it and worrying about it and trying to figure out the best thing.  With this baby, I just kind of forgot about it.  I mean, worst case scenario, Matt could come home and get me but he works an hour away from our house and our hospital is an hour away from our house so that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense.  Hopefully, labor won't come on SUPER fast and we'll be able to recognize what's going on and then take our time getting to the hospital.

I have no idea how much of what happened last time is likely to happen again.  Labor with Henry, though, went from zero to fully dilated SUPER fast after they swept my membranes and gave me Cervadil.  I don't know if just natural labor and contractions would move me along as quickly.  I guess we'll find out in a few short months!  So wild.

Really not looking forward to next week's appointment.  Will be nice to hear Baby's heart beat but I don't want to have yet another blood test.  Oh well.  Focus on the positive.  I'll take a belly pic tonight and post asap.

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