Tuesday, June 10, 2014

25 weeks, 6 days - "Yeah, I noticed your face getting fatter..."

Beautiful quote, no?  Ha!  I was getting ready for a meeting this morning and there were two folks in there whom I don't see very often.  After chatting with them for a few minutes, I realized that they wouldn't have been in any of the meetings where I told people that I'm pregnant.  I had noticed one of them looking at my belly when I walked in today, so I figured I should probably tell them and save them the embarrassment of wondering how to ask.  When I told them, the woman said -- and this is no exaggeration, either -- "you know, I thought so!  I could tell because your face is getting so much fatter."  Hahahaha!  What was she thinking?!  I mean, it's one thing to point out the growing belly or the baby bump or whatever you want to call it but to call out my double chins?  Seriously.  Of course, having said that, I'm sure my face is indeed fatter.  I've gained nearly 20 lbs so it would be absolutely shocking if my face wasn't fatter but even so.  Ha!  What a butt.

In funner news, a person I hadn't told spotted my bump yesterday and asked.  Well, sort of.  She was very cute about it and shy and nervous.  As one would be when asking someone if they're pregnant.  She said she had to ask me something and it's only because she heard someone congratulate me in the hall and she didn't want to ask because she didn't want me to take it the wrong way and... then I cut her off and said, "Yes, Candace, I am."  She looked so relieved after that.  Ha, poor thing.  She's the receptionist so I walk past her like 30 times a day.  I really should have told her because I'm sure she's been trying to figure out a delicate way to ask that wouldn't hurt my feelings if I'm not but it was kind of inconsiderate of me not to mention it to her.  I told my coworkers but it just kind of slipped my mind to tell her.  Anyway, she was super cute and flattering and lovely and acted shocked when I told her I was 6 months along.  6 months!  Can you believe it?  I can't.  Two weeks until I'm in my third trimester.  So crazy.  Baby's going to be here before we know it!!!

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