Wednesday, June 11, 2014

26 weeks, 0 days - How big's the baby? So big!

26 weeks.  Can't believe it.  My Lilypie ticker says that baby is 14.5 inches and 2 lbs.  Baby Center says he/she is 14" and 1.66 lbs.  So they're pretty close to aligned.  Super exciting!  What's also exciting is that they say Baby's hearing is good enough now that he/she may recognize our voices, which is so crazy to me.  It still seems so early for any of that.  Two pounds.  That just sounds so... normal.  I'd be very worried if we gave birth to a 2 lb baby but it just doesn't feel like we're far enough along to have one that big already.  So awesome and wild.  Below is a pic of what BabyCenter thinks babe looks like these days:

Pretty squishy as he/she runs out of room.  I bet he/she isn't sprawled out like he/she was at our 20 week ultrasound anymore.  :D

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