Thursday, June 12, 2014

26 weeks, 1 day - Be careful what you wish for...

If you've had any interaction with me at all during this pregnancy -- in real life or electronically -- you'll know that I've been concerned about my weight gain.  I gained more than strictly called for during my first trimester and up until my last doctor's appointment, I was worried that I was placing myself into an unhealthy category.  My doctor reassured me at my last appointment and I stopped worrying.  Then, of course, I weighed myself this morning to find I've lost four lbs since my last doctor's appointment.  What the...?  Yes, I've been a little sick.  But with a cold not a stomach thing.  So maybe I was bloated and retaining water when I was there last week.  Or maybe I'm severely dehydrated today but egads, that's  not what's supposed to be happening.  I'm not worried about it because I'm confident it's not real weight loss, that either it was off last week or it's off today but still.  It's just not what I'd expected after worrying about how quickly I was gaining for so long.

Glucose test tomorrow.  Not looking forward to it for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that I want noodles for dinner tonight but feel like it's probably not a good idea.

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