Sunday, June 8, 2014

25 weeks, 4 days - Potty training

We've officially started potty training Mr. Henry boy.  It's exhausting.  It's going better than I'd expected but not as well as I'd hoped, if that makes any sense.

When he's down for a nap, we're working on the furniture for his big boy room so that we can move him in there ASAP.  Then baby's room will be ready for his/her glorious arrival.  Hooray!  There's not much to do as far as that room goes to get ready for a new baby, save pull out newborn and 0-3 month clothes.  We'll need to pull the bassinet out of the basement and wash up a few things for that but otherwise, just getting Henry ready for his new room is what we mostly need to do in preparation for the baby.  Oh, and get those chairs reupholstered.  I'm going to feel a lot better when that's taken care of.  The big check offs on my list for pre-baby are move Henry into his big boy room, get him potty trained, and get those chairs done.  I'm going to need them for night time nursing.  When we were at the townhouse, I used the couch that was in our bedroom, but I don't want that in our room here.  Amy is giving us her glider and I'm going to put that in Henry's room for us to read him stories in.  I was going to just read to him in his bed but I don't see why we shouldn't read to him in a chair.  I was thinking about putting that in our bedroom temporarily but I really liked having the couch at night and I think those chairs are going to work just fine.  I cannot believe we're going to have a new baby in 3 months.  Three months!!

I'm still super tired.  More so today than I've been because I've been trying to watch Henry like a hawk on the potty training, trying to use up the obscene amount of greens we've got from our CSA, and trying to get his furniture taken care of so we can move him.  I'd like to have him moved in and comfortable in his new room before Nana and Aunt Stevie come to visit for the fourth of July.  That really means he should be moved within the next couple of weeks.  I think that's feasible.  We've got at least one coat of primer on most of the pieces.  That leaves another coat of primer and two coats of paint.  Once we get that taken care of, we can pretty much move him in.  I ordered sheets and mattress pads and curtains so really, once that furniture is ready, we should be able to put him in.  There may be some after he moves in things that still need to be handled but those should be relatively limited.

So.  That means by the beginning of July, we should be pretty ready for new baby.  We don't want you to come until September, though, little one.  You just stay put, keep up the dancing, and keep cooking.  We'll see you in September!

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