Friday, June 6, 2014

25 weeks, 2 days - Glucose Test Results and Belly Pic

Well, I got my results from the initial glucose screen.  I failed.  :(  I'm so disappointed.  It's not unexpected because Dr. Lawson said I'm at a higher risk of failing it since I did last time but I'm just so disappointed.  I feel like I did something wrong, like if I'd done something differently, I wouldn't have failed it.  I mean, it doesn't mean that I have gestational diabetes but I do have to go take the terrible Glucose Tolerance Test.  That's the one I passed last time.  If I fail that, then I'll likely see an endocrinologist to talk about a GD diet.  Oh man, I'm so disappointed.  Again, Henry is fine and I failed it with him but I just hate that my body doesn't work right.  Very very disappointing.  My next test is next week on Friday at 8:30 am.  I'll make sure to bring along something to eat because I remember how awful it was last time after my sugar crashed.  I felt like I was going to die or something.  So awful.  Shaking and sweating and nauseous.  We won't be suffering through that again, I assure you.  I'll stay put until I have something wholesome and nutritious and high in protein coursing back through my blood stream.  I just really really hope I don't have GD.  Like really really really.

In other news, I took a belly pic today.  It feels much huger than this picture shows.  Is it just me?  I've had a lot of people tell me how big I'm looking these days so I don't know.  Maybe the pictures are just funny.

That pic looks very pregnant to me but when I look at the comparison below, I don't think I look much bigger than I did last time at this point.  Rounder yes, but not much bigger.  I'm wearing a sports bra in today's pic vs last time's so that changes the accentuation but otherwise, it doesn't look a whole lot different to me.  Maybe I'm a bit thicker everywhere else?  Oh yeah.  Looking at it again, my legs and butt definitely look heavier in this pic than last time.  So maybe that's more what people are noticing.  I did talk to my doctor about my weight gain just to be sure she wasn't concerned.  She told me that she wants me to gain at least 25 lbs.  I laughed a bit and explained THAT was not what I was worried about, but that I was worried about gaining WAY too much.  She didn't seem to think that was going to be an issue.  Nice of her, but... well, we'll see.  Would really like to keep it at 35 or under.  

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