Monday, June 23, 2014

27 weeks, 5 days - Big boy is growing up

Well, little baby, your big brother is growing up.  We moved him into a new room this weekend in order to make room for you.  I know you're not going to be here for awhile, but we wanted him well established in his new room before you came so that he never, at any moment, felt displaced by you.  So that he only has feelings of love for you and has no room for resentment.  We'll see how that pans out.

Henry did great in his first nights in his new room.  We didn't finish painting the bed yet but decided to put the mattress in there on the floor as a bit of a transition for him.  We put the bed rails on the mattress, even though it's only 6 inches off the floor, just so he can get used to it.  He did great.  The move was really a lot harder on us than it was on him.  He woke up on the first night crying pretty hard, but stopped almost immediately when we went in to calm him down.  I asked him if he was a little scared and he shook his head yes so we turned on a night light and his aquarium and laid with him for a bit while he readjusted to where he was.  He knows the room pretty well and seems to really love it.  He was excited to sleep in there the first night.  I don't know how it will continue going forward (Megan told me that her son asked to sleep in his crib again about 2 weeks after she moved him) but so far, so good.  We'll put the bed in there as soon as it's ready -- which should be this coming weeekend -- but in the mean time, I do think it's worked out well that we have him in there using just the mattress.

He's also doing great with potty training.  I have no idea when you say that a kid is actually potty trained but he doesn't seem to have accidents at home anymore.  He did have one at Grandma's the other day and I don't know about Aunt Amy's, but at home, the only problem we have is when he gets excited and jumps up to show us before he's done.  He's still in a diaper for naps and over night and he's using the potty instead of the toilet.  I guess you don't really call him potty trained until he's using the toilet but he's doing really great and doesn't even seem to be having accidents when we go out.  Very exciting.  We've still been doing the bare bum thing at home but he'll be in training pants at Grandma's and Aunt Amy's house.  I'll be interested to see how it goes over there.  He gets so excited that I think it's harder for him to take out time to go.  But we'll see.  I guess the next thing for us to do is get him going on the potty.  And I have zero ideas on how to get the sleeping thing to work.  I kind of think that's something you just have to let happen on its own.  Maybe switch him to an over night pull up so he can get up and go to the potty when/if he needs to?  I'm not sure how to tackle that one.  Nor the switch to a toilet.  But we're in pretty good shape, I think.

So that's baby's big brother.  Baby, on the other hand, is doing just fine.  Moving moving moving.  I felt hiccups for the first time the other day.  I don't remember when they started with Henry, but I remember them being much stronger.  I guess that will come.  This baby is only 6.5 months gestational age so there's lots of time left for hiccups.  I remember having Grandma feel Henry's hiccups after our baby moon and that was at 7 months.  Don't remember how much we'd been feeling them at that point, though.  I've got my follow up diabetes test next week on Wednesday.  Not looking forward to that one.  At all.  In fact, I get a little sad when I think about it.  But it'll be fine, whatever.  Whatever the outcome, it will be fine.  We have prenatal care and are very lucky to have it to make sure our baby is healthy.  I could be walking around in a state of blissful ignorance, having no idea that I'm at higher risk for that and letting baby suffer.  That would not be better.

Third trimester starts in two days!  So so crazy.

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