Wednesday, July 2, 2014

29 weeks, 0 days - AP is GD free! and Belly pic!

Wa-hoo!  Just got back from the doctor's office where I had my blood sugar taken.  It came out to be 86, so I'm cleared on gestational diabetes!  Woo-hoo!  Now that I'm past 28 weeks, I'm cycling through the various doctors in the practice so today, I saw Dr. Bennettt.  I liked her.  She looked at my other two glucose tests and noted that they were very high (i.e. I failed BIG TIME), so while I'm clear on GD, she still recommended that I watch my carbs.  So basically, I'm back to where I was with Henry.  Though, not as strict, I think.  She asked if I had any concerns and I mentioned my weight to her because I'm still down from my last appointment.  She scoffed at first because it's not down by a lot but when I noted that this was supposed to be the period of "rapid weight gain," she did a bit of a double take and said, "oh.  Oh yeah.  You really need to eat more protein.  And I mean like a TON more."  She looked back a bit further and said I was gaining a lot earlier.  I laughed and told her that I was actually worried in the other direction before (that I was gaining too much).  I told her that this is kind of what happened with Henry, that I gained really fast up to a point then just kind of stopped.  Much like Holly told me, she said it was probably really good that I was gaining so much early on with this one because Henry was so small and that, to make sure this baby isn't teeny tiny as well, I need to eat a lot more protein, that I'm probably just not getting enough calories.  Weird.  So, I'm basically on the same diet as Nana: low carb, high protein.  When I told Aunt Stevie, she figured it meant that we have to go to Fogo de Chao while they're here this weekend (instead of the Local 3 brunch that we'd planned).  Ha!  That would certainly get me some extra protein.  I guess we'll play it by ear.  We do like Fogo de Chao and it's kind of nice to have a reason to have to go there.  :)  Ha!

Oh!  Also, Holly had her baby yesterday.  Simon Ray Hofkamp.  8.5 lbs.  She didn't tell us how long he was.  26 hours of natural labor.  Way to go, Holls!  I liked hearing the 26 hour thing after Megan's story of SUPER fast labor because yesterday, I heard the story of a coworker who delivered her second baby 17 minutes after getting to the hospital.  That makes me a little less confident that we're going to make it from Newnan to Buckhead to deliver our little nugget.  Below, I've posted a snapshot of the drive from chez nous to my preferred hospital.  It's a haul.  So we'll see.  There's one in Newnan and a few more in Atlanta that we'll pass before getting to mine, so if it's an emergency, we can stop off somewhere else.  But my goodness, I hope it doesn't come to that!

But now, the moment you've all been waiting for... the belly pic!  It's nothing that exciting.  It's rounder than I was at this point with Henry.  It kind of looks like I'm carrying this baby higher than I did Henry.  Oh!  That reminds me!  Baby's heart rate is 130 so it continues to drop.  High sitting baby with a heart rate under 140?  Sounds like a boy to this mommy!  At least according to old wives tales, that is.  Which I secretly kind of believe.  So now I think I'm having a boy.    

I didn't actually take a 29 week pic with Henry, but I did a 28/29 week compare and that's what's posted below.  I did take a 30 week pic with Henry, so next week's pic will be a better comparison.  I'll try to wear the same thing, too, so we can have a more accurate measure.  It kind of looks like I'm smaller now than I was with Henry, doesn't it?  Weird.  Maybe it's just the way I'm standing.  

Someone told me today that I'm going to pop soon.  I assured her that I'd already popped but that I just don't "pop" with that much of a flourish.  Our bodies are so interesting.  I keep thinking of my Aunt telling me that Grandma Marcia was full term with Lisa and people didn't even know she was pregnant.  That's pretty wild.  But it makes my little belly make so much more sense.  Nobody ever believes me when I tell them how far along I am.  I assure them that it's just the clothes that I'm wearing, that I really do look much more pregnant when I'm wearing different clothes, but they never believe me.  It's all just so very interesting how differently our bodies react to things.

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