Wednesday, July 16, 2014

31 weeks, 0 days - A kind of disappointing dr. appointment

Saw the doc today.  Looks like my belly is officially measuring small.  She said I've been pretty consistent and that it is for sure growing, it's just a little smaller than expected for this point in time so they want to do an ultrasound before my next appointment.  While I love getting ultrasounds and seeing Baby, it makes me a little nervous and sad that things aren't going perfectly.  I mean, I think it's really just out of an abundance of caution that she's ordered the ultrasound, but she wants to check my fluid levels and the size of the baby.  I suspect that this might have also happened with Henry, but nobody shared their concerns with me so I had no reason to know that anyone was worried.  I feel like Dr. Elliot "protected" me from any worry with Henry.  He was such a nice man.  Anyway, Dr. Lawson said that, so long as everything is fine with this ultrasound, we'll just schedule another one at about 37 weeks to check my fluid levels and then go on from there.  So that's where we are.  Heart rate was "140s."  Not sure what that means unless it just kind of goes up and down a bit.  That's higher than it was at the last appointment, but I was kind of nervous after she told me about the ultrasound so maybe that made baby's heart race?  I don't know.  I have gained weight, but not as much as I thought I did.  Just over a pound.  But I'm gaining again so that's good news.  She told me to continue packing in the protein and that I should be fine.  I just get nervous when things aren't going perfectly.  But again, I didn't gain much weight and I measured small with Henry, too, and he's just perfect now.  So maybe my body just grows little tiny, healthy babies.  I hope so.

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