Thursday, July 31, 2014

33 weeks, 1 day - Dr. Appointment and ultrasound

What weird things 3d ultrasounds are.  Really.  Check it:

Look at the schnozz on this child!  Matt kept reminding me that Henry had a big nose when he was born, too but my goodness!  It's so weird to see that much detail.  Baby's hand was up near his/her face so it was hard to get a good shot but the ultrasound tech was so awesome and kept trying until she got something we could use.  I'm not exactly sure how I liked seeing the 3d stuff because it's so weird.  The ultrasound tech kept asking if we noticed any resemblance between this baby and Henry.  I was trying to tell if there's a dimple in his/her bottom lip like Matt and Henry both have, but I wasn't able to tell.  The pics are mostly just so monstrous, freakish and weird that the idea that it could look like my sweet beautiful boy alarms me.  I'm much more comfortable with the sweet 2d profile pic below: 

Anyway, baby is little but not worrisomely so.  It's measuring in the 35th percentile and since Henry was in like the 3rd when he was born, the doctor thought this was just fine.  She said that my fluid was perfect at this point, though again, with Henry, it was fine when we got the 38 week ultrasound and was too low two weeks later so that doesn't mean too too much at this point.  Other than there's nothing to worry about, which really means a lot.  And I gained a full two pounds since my last appointment which is exactly what she wanted so she was happy with that and said she's no longer worried about my weight gain.  Hooray!  I'm now up a full 20 lbs from where I started so if I can continue on with about a pound a week through to the end, I'll be right on target.  Perfect.  :D  Heart rate was a strong 132 and the best part... we got to see the baby yawn!  Or do something like yawning.  I don't actually know if babies in utero actually yawn or not but boy, is this video cool...

Or would be if it would actually load.  I thought it was up there but Aunt Allie pointed out that it didn't load.  I wonder why.  Annoying.  I'll keep trying but rest assured, it's very cool.

I wish I could crop it like I do with photos but I don't know how to do that so you'll be stuck with this once I get it up.  Again, the ultrasound tech was so awesome and, not only caught it for us, but backed it up so we could get good video of it.  So what you'll see is the tail end of the yawn then her backing it up to catch it again.  So very very cool.  Next dr. appointment in two weeks then we're on to weekly after that.  So crazy that we're so far along!!

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