Thursday, July 10, 2014

29 weeks, 6 days - 4th of July visitors

Maybe I'm making up milestones but I really feel like 30 weeks is a big one.  Why?  I don't know.  But it feels like it is or at least should be.  I can't believe that we're 30 weeks along as of tomorrow.  Baby is super active and I've pretty much decided that you're a boy.  For no reason other than the heart rate thing, but I convinced myself of it kind of subconsciously but very effectively.  So effectively, in fact, that I told Aunt Stevie this weekend that next time I saw her, she'd have another nephew.  She reminded me that you could be a girl.  I was a little startled by that because I'd just kind of forgotten that we didn't find out your gender.  I had myself really convinced, you see.  How weird.  You're super super active these days.  And you've been getting the hiccups a lot.  Not as much as Henry did, but regularly enough that I can feel them.  I just can't believe that we're down to 10 weeks or so as of tomorrow.  So wild.

In other news, Nana, Aunt Stevie, and Uncle Eric visited this past weekend.  Nana brought along her friend, Pat, and we all had a very nice time.  We went to a baseball game and to some nice restaurants and fried a turkey at Grandma's & Grandpa's house.  We got to see lots of fireworks over the lake that night, too.  Aunt Amy took lots of pictures so you'll be able to look back and remember your first deep fried turkey.  Ha!  It was a really nice weekend, though it wore me out in a big big way.  Having company is lovely but having your family over is a little different than having someone not in your family there.  If that makes any sense.  I'm just so very tired now.  I'm trying to eat lots of protein but it's making my tummy hurt so much that I don't want to eat again for the rest of the day, so I'm not sure how effective this is at helping me gain weight.  We'll see.  I'll weigh myself tomorrow and see if it's been working.

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