Thursday, July 17, 2014

31 weeks, 1 day - Coconuts and watermelons...?

Coconuts and watermelons, eh?  As we know, Baby Center and Lilly Pie are not always in sync with their fruit comparisons but this one is maybe the most egregious that I've seen.  Coconuts are nowhere NEAR the size of watermelons.  Crazy fruit comparisons.  But, general consensus agrees that baby should be somewhere between 16 and 17 inches long and 3.5 to 4 lbs.  I've never seen a coconut that size myself, but whatever.  Oh, and also Lilly Pie says that Baby is supposed to be sleeping most of the time.  If that's true, then this child is a very violent sleeper and I worry for his/her future spouse.  It's been two years (almost exactly) since I was here with Henry but this one seems way more into judo chops and kung fu fighting than my sweet boy ever was.  Mostly with Henry, I felt movement and hiccups.  I'm getting punched and kicked with this little fighter.  Seems as if he/she has heard Aunt Amy mentioning how Henry doesn't take no crap from nobody and is practicing up to defend him/herself.  Wise move, little one.

Speaking of Aunt Amy, she told me today that I have the perfect "from behind" pregnancy figure, that you can't tell at all I'm pregnant from behind and then when I turn, surprise!  That was much nicer than the "your face looks fatter and you've got bags under your eyes" comment I got the other day.  Good ole Aunt Amy.  At least she's good for something. :)  Ha!  That also supports my recent notion that we're having a boy.  The old wives think that you gain all over with girls but that it's mostly belly with boys.  I feel like I've gained all over but most other people don't.  I feel like my hips and thighs have gotten HUGE.  But it's nice that people are being kind enough not to mention that.

I really didn't have much to say today but I wanted to get another picture in here for the printed book when I get that far.  Here's what baby center thinks you should look like this week, Little One:

Sure looks like a real, live baby!  Oh, and remember how I said earlier that I had so many friends who were pregnant at the same time as me and now, it's down to just a few of us?  My friend Kevin's daughter is being induced today so there's another one off the list.  It's been fun to keep up with him about it because she had her first baby a couple of months after we had Henry and we're having our second a couple of months after she has this one.  And they didn't find out the gender and aren't sharing their name options, so it'll be a big, fun surprise.  After she has hers, it's just down to Dave's nephew Jake whose baby is due in August and Derek's baby who is due a few days before ours.  So wild!  So many babies!  

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