Monday, July 14, 2014

30 weeks, 5 days - On to new baby nexting... er... neSting...

Finally.  Seriously.  FINALLY.  We finished Henry's room.  We put together his big boy bed and moved into his room on Sunday.  He slept there last night without too much trouble.  He'd been sleeping on a mattress on the floor since we switched rooms, but I really wanted to get his actual bed in there so that I could wash my hands of the room and move on to prepping the nursery for new baby.  And we're there.  the bed itself turned out pretty nice.  As a reminder, we sanded down and painted some of the furniture Matt and Andrew used when they were kids.  They look good.  The bed Henry is in is actually a bunk bed.  We put the headboard and foot board on upside down because, while doing it right side up would lower the bed a little, Matt was worried that the head board would be lower and make it easier for Henry to roll off an end.  In the end, it didn't end up mattering much because we moved his bed from a diagonal up against the wall because we were worried he'd flip over the back of the headboard since it's just not very high.  It's not much more than dead even with the mattress and Henry has gotten used to kind of diving into it so we wanted to make sure he was safe.  But it looks super cute.  And he seems to LOVE it.  The bed itself is up pretty high, so high, in fact, that he couldn't get into it.  But I showed him that the foot board could double as a ladder and as soon as he  realized that, he had no more problems.  Really.  I showed him once and it was all over.  What a cutie.  He just seems so excited to have that big bed that he can get in an out of.  It's really adorable.

And now, onto getting newborn clothes and diapers ready for baby #2!  There's a lot of stuff we need to do, from cleaning the master bedroom and setting up the bassinet to finding our smallest size diapers and setting up a changing table downstairs (read: pack n play).  Around Henry's birthday, we'll turn his car seat face forward (omg!!!!!) and install the infant carseat in the middle so that we're ready to bring new baby home when he/she comes.  On Henry's birthday, we'll be 34.5 weeks along so it'll be good timing, I think if we do it the weekend after or there abouts.  I wonder how he'll feel about it.  I hope he doesn't start hitting new baby, since he'll be able to reach him/her.  Very interested to see how that goes.

Matt had the realization this morning about how far along we are.  I had so many friends who were pregnant at the same time I was and now, there are only a few folks left.  Most of them had their babies already.  That made everything more real to him.  I think probably the same 'realness' I experienced when we hit 30 weeks.  That just seemed like such a huge, real, super far along milestone.  Anyway.

In other news, the protein packing continues to work.  I weighed myself this morning and I'm up almost exactly 2 lbs from where I was 2 weeks ago.  They want me gaining about 1 lb/ week, so it seems like I'm back on track.  So that's good.  Of course, now that things are going right, I feel fat again but that's because I'm stupid.  Can't ever be pleased.  :)

In other other news, I just threw up at my desk.  Lovely.  I was going to dash for the bathroom but didn't think I'd make it so I picked up the garbage can.  I sit in a cube.  I wonder how many people noticed.  Gross.  I wonder what it was.  My vitamins?  But I ate before I took them.  Hmm... weird.  Feel better now, though.

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