Monday, August 4, 2014

33 weeks, 5 days - Seriously. Get out of my ribs.

I'm not kidding, Baby.  Get.  Out.  Of.  My.  Ribs.  I don't know what it is with these babes, but it's the exact same spot that Henry used to get stuck in.  I don't know if it's a foot or a knee or what but it's high up on the right hand side of my rib cage and it's so uncomfortable I can't stop poking and trying to readjust Baby so that he/she GETS OUT.  I've got to be bruised.  Silly little thing.

In other news, we're almost 34 weeks.  So crazy.  Just over 6 weeks until our due date.  Can you believe it?  6 weeks still sounds so far away but when you say that it's next month, it just sounds mad.  Simply cannot believe it.  Still no real problems to speak of.  We went down to Callaway Gardens this weekend with Grandma & Grandpa and the Terlizzis and on the way there, I was thinking of Allie and the troubles she'd had by this point.  Baby Lex came on 1/7 and the last time we saw her before she delivered was on Christmas eve.  So about two weeks before Lex came.  She was induced at 37 weeks.  So the last time I saw her before she delivered him, she was about a week and a half past where we are now.  And the poor thing was sooooo uncomfortable at that point.  She'd been in and out of the hospital with different cramps/contractions and kidney stones and she had undiagnosed pre-eclampsia so she was absolutely crazy swollen.  Every time I get to feeling sorry for myself about being so tired, I think of what she went through and feel so fortunate that I haven't had to deal with anything like that.  Both she and Amy said they had crazy heart burn toward the end of theirs, also.  Another thing I haven't had to deal with.  So, Baby, in the scheme of things, I guess you sticking in my ribs isn't really so bad.

It is getting uncomfortable to sit slouched over now, though.  I'm more comfortable either leaned way back or sitting up perfectly straight. I'm assuming it's because I'm crushing my lungs against my uterus when I slouch.  I don't remember that with Henry at all but I've also gained several more pounds already than I gained with him.  So maybe that has something to do with it, too.

Speaking of Henry, I'm very excited to see how he does with new baby.  He seems to love babies.  Every time he sees a little person his size or smaller, he points it out and says "bay-bee, bay-bee!"  And he's very interested in them.  Yesterday at the beach, he wanted to make sure we were all quiet because he saw a little baby sleeping.  Sweet little thing.  Montessori starts again this week on Wednesday and he's mostly potty trained.  We didn't have any accidents at the beach yesterday (that we know of) and he went pee-pee in the potty three different times while we were there.  I'm hoping that carries over to school.  We'll see.  He put his potty in his bed with him the other night. That was a little distressing for mommy.  I don't know if he's overheard me saying that he's not potty trained over night yet or what, but he was carrying his little Elmo potty around with him at bedtime and wanted it in his room with him during story time.  I didn't see an issue with it, so I let him put it where he wanted it.  Which turned out to be on the ottoman.  Fine.  Whatever.  Who cares?  We sterilize it after every time he goes so it's not really as gross as it could be.  So we read our story and put him to bed and he went to sleep right away, perfectly quietly.  Or so I thought.  I checked on him maybe an hour after I put him down (we still have a video monitor in his room) and saw an object in his bed that I did not recognize.  At least not at first.  After some staring, I came to realize that it was none other than his Elmo potty.  He must have quietly gotten out of bed, picked up the potty, put it up in his bed, climbed back in, and then moved it to where he wanted it.  All perfectly silently because I didn't hear it on the monitor.  Hahaha, crazy boy.  We did sneak in and remove it from his bed, but not without spending several long moments laughing and pondering what it was that he was thinking when he did it.  Silly, silly boy.  :)

Ok, back on topic.  Still feeling fine.  Still tired, but surprisingly less so.  I've read that many women get a burst of energy before they go into labor but I don't think it's generally 6 weeks before so I'm not sure what that's about.  Not complaining, though.  It feels so much better not to want to cry at any given moment because I'm so very tired.  Lots of Tony Braxtons.  Never more than maybe 3 in an hour but surprisingly, I get them when I change positions (from sitting to standing, rolling from one side to another, getting up off the floor) whereas they frequently say the way to stop them is to change positions.  Weird.  Anyway, Dr. said to call if I ever have more than 6 in an hour but I haven't gotten even close to that, so no worries.  And they don't hurt.  Sometimes they're uncomfortable but mostly, they're just noticeable.  And surprising.  I still can't believe how frequently I have them.  Can't believe baby will be here in just a handful of weeks!

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