Thursday, August 28, 2014

37 weeks, 1 day - Doctors, doctors, doctors

Meeting another new doctor today.  Dr. Williams.  Based on everyone I've met so far, I feel good about it.  I'm done with the long drive to work and am just hanging out, working from home until baby comes!  Hooray!  So exciting!  Nana picked up a bunch of newborn clothes for us at a consignment shop so we have something to bring baby home from the hospital in.  That's a relief.  Things are coming right along!

In other news, my feet and ankles have been swelling which is annoying but not entirely unexpected.  I don't remember this happening with Henry, but then again, I had a broken foot with Henry at this point and was in a boot, so I have no idea what else was really going on.  Aside from that, I'm having lots of Tony Braxtons and am super tired but feeling pretty well otherwise.  Below is a pic that shows approximately what baby looks like in mommy's tummy these days.  Pretty crazy, right?

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