Tuesday, September 2, 2014

37 weeks, 6 days - Dilation? Yikes!

So, the trend continues.  I saw Dr. Williams last week and I feel like I liked her the best out of anyone in the whole practice.  It was like this when I was with Drs. Elliot and Lashgari, I liked whichever one I was seeing at the time best.  That's a really really nice feeling.  Especially because I'm not really very easily pleased with doctors.  Really.  I know it would seem contrary based on my ob experiences, but it's very true.   I loved Henry's pediatrician and my obs, but aside from that, I'm not sure I've even liked a doctor I saw other than my childhood pediatrician and my childhood dentist.  Anyway, I just LOVED Dr. Williams as much as I've loved Dr. Kleiss and Dr. El Gammal so it bodes well.  They had to redo my group b test to check me for antibiotic sensitivities, as I'm allergic to amoxicillin and apparently, my records don't say what they gave me in Arlington.  Dr. Williams explained that they want to use the weakest antibiotic that will prevent the infection so that I keep some "natural flora" and pass good bacteria onto baby. Otherwise, there isn't nearly as much benefit to having a vaginal birth.  Since we were doing that, she also checked my cervix because I explained to her that I live over an hour away and have a little bit of anxiety about getting to the hospital on time and knowing when to leave.  She said she wanted to check my cervix before answering because her answer would be very different based on how much I'm dilated.  "How much I'm dilated?"  I was stunned to hear that.  Apparently, it's normal for a woman to be 1 cm dilated at 37 weeks with her second child.  I was 1.5  I couldn't believe it.  I had no idea that you dilate this early with subsequent kiddos.  Pretty crazy.

So anyway, she dramatically eased my anxiety about getting there on time.  She told me to call when my contractions are consistent and getting closer together and are regularly 5 minutes apart.  If they go quickly from 10 minutes to 3 minutes, get on the road and call from the road.  If they go from 10 min to 3 min to 7 min to 2 min to 5 min to 10 min, then don't bother calling because that's still false labor.  She said that the people she's had who got there too late for an epidural, told her that they didn't call sooner because the contractions didn't ever go to 5 minutes, they just went straight from 10 to 3.  So I won't do that.

Another appointment today.  I'll probably take a belly pic tomorrow.  38 weeks.  Egads.  I haven't gained any weight in a couple of weeks, but that's normal for this point.  If I stall out right here, I'll have topped out at 23 lbs, and almost EXACTLY the same weight I was with Henry.  Which would be funny.  Not really funny funny, but oddly coincidental.  But we'll see.  We could still have almost a month until baby comes.  Yes, it could be any day now, but all three of my mom's babies were late and it's not like Henry was on his way or anything when I was induced with him.  So we'll see.  I'm still pulling for 9/21 so I can have my autumn baby.  Or 9/6 would be kind of nice to have a little Frederick, though I admit that having a baby four days from today kind of freaks me out.  In the mean time, baby is moving up a storm and seems to be getting antsy.  Grandma pointed out how low my belly is these days so again, I feel pretty confident that baby has dropped and is getting ready to make his/her appearance before too long!  Crazy!!

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