Thursday, September 11, 2014

39 weeks, 1 day - Do you want a brother or a sister?

Henry boy is very into babies right now.  He's very very dear with them.  You may or may not recall that we got him a little baby doll several months ago and lately, he's taken such great care of her.  I keep finding her in the sweetest places.  Most recently, it's the bassinet.  How on earth does he know that babies go in the bassinet?  It's been in the basement since he was 10 weeks old.  It's not like he's seen another baby in it or anything.  He just knew.  And now that the baby's carseat is in the car next to his, he likes to have his baby ride in it, too.  It bugs him to have it empty.  Very cute.

So last night, we were talking about babies and I asked him if he liked babies.  He said yes.  I asked him if he wanted a baby.  He said yes.  I asked him if he wanted a boy baby or a girl baby.  He said, "umm... black."  After choking back guffaws of laughter (and imagining Matthew's pride at that statement), I told him that we probably wouldn't have a black baby.  So Henry, in his infinite wisdom said to me, "no black beebee.  Umm... blue!"  Then I just lost it.  I couldn't help but think of Stevie being a little kid and wanting a blue teacher and a blue sister and a blue bedroom and a blue mommy.  And now, since Henry can't have a black baby, he wants a blue one.  Haha, at least he comes by it honestly, I guess.

We wanted to get Henry a gift from the new baby but have been having some trouble deciding what to give him.  After that, we decided that the new baby will give him a black baby.  Not exactly a mea culpa but, since there's really very little chance baby will be black, he/she can help Henry get the baby he wants.  Haha, what a weird family we are.  "Do you want a boy baby or a girl baby?"  "Umm... black!"  hahaha!!

Here's the baby we got for him:

Oh, also, I almost forgot.  Had another doc appt yesterday.  Uneventful.  Weight is down a little bit but that's to be expected at this point.  Right now, I'm hovering around a 23 lb gain, which is just so weird to me since I feel SO enormous.  But I haven't even gained quite as much as they wanted me to.  Whatever.  It's fine and nobody's worried but I just can't imagine how people must feel when they gain 60 or 80 since I feel so gross and fat and disgusting at just this much.  Anyway, it's more than it was with Henry so I'm sure that's why I feel so huge.  Heart rate was 120-125 which is the lowest it's been (it's been pretty consistently in the 130-135 range).  I asked about that and she said it could be because the baby is getting bigger or maybe the baby is sleeping.  It's still a perfectly healthy and normal rate so it's nothing to be concerned about.  My tummy is still measuring small but again, to be expected since our babe is estimated to be in the 20th percentile.  Would be weird if my belly was measuring large with a tiny little nugget like that.  We scheduled an ultrasound for next week and went back over when to call and when to come in.  Dr. Lawson was very cute.  She said a number of times something about "if you make it that far."  I get the impression she likes babies and gets excited about deliveries.  Which means she's in a good career.  But she really did seem excited about it.  So crazy to think we've got less than a week until our due date!

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