Monday, September 8, 2014

38 weeks, 5 days - Full moon

According to the old wives, more babies are born at the full moon.  And you know how I love old wives tales.  So maybe today!  Unlikely, though.  I had been having millions of Tony Braxtons but then they just kind of stopped over the weekend.  I'm not sure I had any over the weekend at all.  Maybe it's just because I was too busy to notice?  It was kind of a wild weekend.  But even so, I can't believe I had the normal amount and just didn't notice.  Anyway, we'll see what this full moon has to say about our soon to be newborn babe.  Now that we missed my dad's birthday, I'd like 9/21 to be the date.  We'll see.  I'll really be happy at any time, but if I could pick, I'd have a baby to welcome in autumn.

Speaking of this baby, Amy picked up Henry at school the other day and stopped by to say hello to us on her way to drop him at grandma's house.  She hadn't seen Henry's big boy room yet, so she wanted a peep at it.  While we were in there, I told Carter that I had a baby growing in my belly.  It was one of the funniest, cutest reactions I've ever seen.  I so badly wish we'd gotten it on video.  He stopped, looked at my belly, looked back at his mom, pointed back to my belly, looked back at me and just kind of stared.  It was as if he was saying, "what the...?  Mom, are you hearing this?  She's got a baby in her where?  What on earth is it doing in her TUMMY?!!!  Have you ever heard of such a thing?"  Then he picked up his shirt to see if he had one growing in his belly, too.  His mommy tried to explain that only Aun Manna had one but he kept checking to see if maybe there was one in his.  We were over at grandma's and grandpa's yesterday for football and Carter was just obsessed with touching the baby in my belly.  He just couldn't stop.  Then he'd show me his belly, then come back to touching mine.  I meant to lie down so that he could feel the baby move, but it was kind of hectic and I forgot.  Brooklyn came over to pat my belly and tell me it was "so cute," too.  Those kids.  I just get such a kick out of them.  Carter decided that it's going to be a girl baby, whereas Brooke says a boy.  Dave weighed in with girl also.  I don't know exactly where the tally lies but here's what I heard last:

  • Girl  -grandpa, daddy, Uncle Dave, Carter, Aunt Mel
  • Boy - mama, Brookie
I don't think anyone else has weighed in yet and, frankly, I think Grandpa and Daddy only say girl because that's what they want.  Dave meditated on it and it came to him during his meditations so he feels very confident about it.  And Mel says that she saw it in the ultrasound so she also feels pretty confident.  I think my feeling probably just comes from old wives tales.  What I'm really waiting for is Aunt Amy's prediction because she's apparently always wrong.  Like ALWAYS.  So it'll be interesting to see what she thinks so we can plan for the other.  :)  Ha!  Poor Aie Maimee; will you ever win?

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