Wednesday, September 3, 2014

38 weeks, 0 days - Nervous

I don't know exactly what happened between yesterday and today but I all of a sudden got nervous about having a new baby.  Like really really nervous about it.  Maybe the reality has finally settled in?  I need to take a belly pic for this blog but ugh, I so don't want to.  I will though.  Today.  Promise promise.

Had a doc appt yesterday.  Saw the last of the practice who might deliver my babe.  She was wonderful, as all the others were.  Dr. Combs.  Just loved her.  Heart rate was 140, which is a little higher than it's been but still strong and great.  Belly measuring right on track... what?  Yes, that's right.  She was funny when she looked at my tummy.  She said, "you have an oddly elongated torso," to which I replied, "yeah."  Cuz I mean, really, what else can you say about that?  Anyway, she started the measurement even lower than anyone else and came up with baby being right on track.  So that's good.  She checked my cervix and had me dilated 1-2 cm, so probably the same as what Dr. Williams got last week (she measured me at 1.5 cm).  All in all, a good, uneventful appointment.

Got a surprise visit from Nana yesterday!  She was on her way home from Hilton Head and the plan broke, so she got stuck in Atlanta.  We rescued her and let her sleep in our house until her flight left this morning.  That meant she got to see a 38 week pregnant belly, which she didn't get to see with Henry.  That was kind of nice.  We don't expect to see her again until after baby is born, so it was nice to have one last brief peep at baby while he/she is still packed away.  I also talked to Aunt Stevie today.  Maybe it was seeing my mom and talking to my sister that made things seem more nerve wracking?  Like it made everything more real?  Since they were here when HT was born, maybe it just kind of gelled everything.  I don't know.  What I do know is that I'm having tons of Tony Braxtons and my abs hurt and my back hurts, but it doesn't feel anything like real labor contractions or anything.  I still think we'll hang onto this baby until after his/her date.  9/22 is the day I'm picking, I think.  For my boy.  I won't weigh in on size or time publicly until anyone else who wants to guess in a baby pool does so, but I have guesses on that as well.  So weird that baby could be here any day.  Though I don't expect him/her for several weeks.  

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