Friday, September 12, 2014

39 weeks, 2 days - Baby Pool!

Well, the results are in and they're very interesting.  It seems as if there's a dead tie in gender... which is interesting.  Some of the folks who had professed one way have seemed to change their minds when things came right down to it.  Very interesting.  General consensus has us missing our due date and averages have us at about a six and a half pound baby.  So, without further ado...

It will be interesting to see who takes the prize.  I still can't believe it's coming so soon!  As with yesterday, I still haven't felt anything that has made me think labor is imminent.  I did speak to Megan about her super fast delivery and I feel a lot better about it now.  Turns out, she waited longer to go to the hospital than she otherwise would have because she was almost turned away last time and she didn't want that to happen this time.  She was 4 cm dilated when she got there this time and was afraid they were going to send her back home but they didn't.  Fortunately.  She checked in at 3 pm with non-painful contractions that were about 3 minutes apart and had Andy at 3:55 so things progressed very quickly from 3 pm on.  Anyway, it's not like she went from 10 min contractions to having a baby in an hour so I feel a little better about our chances of making it to the hospital.  It's just weird, having nothing to compare it to since I had no laboring at all before I was induced with Henry.  They told Allie she was in labor like two weeks before she was successfully induced with Lex so she at least has something to compare it to.  I've got zero idea what "going into labor" feels like and I think that's part of what gives me anxiety.  

So anyway, I've got an ultrasound at 10:30 am on 9/17.  Which is about the same time I had Henry's the day we were induced.  If that were to happen again and everything else went the same way, Nana, Aunt Stevie, and Grandpa would all be right on the date and Aunt Allie would be closest on time.  So crazy to think that our due date is in 5 days!

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