Wednesday, September 17, 2014

40 weeks, 0 days - Due date, schmue date

I've officially decided that I hate due dates.  No matter how much I tell myself that they're arbitrary and don't mean much, I still feel let down when they pass and nothing happens.  I know there's no fairy dust that will fall from the sky and no rainbows are going to appear in my bedroom, but I still feel like something should happen.  It should be something special.  But it isn't.  It's just another day of feeling fat and uncomfortable.  Meh.  Stupid due dates.

In other news, we had a doctor appointment and ultrasound today.  No low fluids for this baby!  Ultrasound tech said that they were just completely normal and that baby was moving great, more so than she'd even like because it made it harder for her to get pics.  Baby measured in the 25th percentile this time, which is up from last week so that's encouraging.  Heart rate was 135 so back to what it's consistently been.  Doctor checked my cervix and I'm about the same as I was last time: 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced.  She had to reach a lot higher than she ever has before, though, and the exam hurt which it never has before.  So I got to wondering if maybe she stripped my membranes and didn't mention it.  I don't feel like she'd have done that but I also couldn't figure out why she had to reach so much higher than before.  I texted Holly about it and she said that it's normal for those types of exams to hurt at this point in pregnancy and your cervix can move around depending on gestation.  Which is crazy to me.  And makes more sense than her doing something without asking or even telling me.  But I do still sort of wonder.  Maybe it's wishful thinking.  Anyway, we're still pregnant and are looking like we'll remain so for at least a few more days.  We scheduled an induction on 9/27 in case baby doesn't make an appearance before that.  We have another ultrasound next week on Thursday to check on things and make sure all is well still but we're hoping not to make it that far.  We'll just have to see, though.  

Even though, of course, I'm glad that everything was good and nothing was wrong, there was a small part of me that kind of wanted fluids to be low so that we could be induced today.  I mean, we could have scheduled an induction if we really wanted to go that route but I don't really want to; I just want to have to so that I didn't make that choice.  But in the end, I'm glad baby is doing well and that my body is nourishing him/her properly.  Just ready to stop feeling so... uncomfortable.

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