Thursday, August 14, 2014

35 weeks, 1 day - Showing and dropping

I guess I'm showing a lot more lately.  I had many people at work talk to me about the second coming of Baby PR this week.  And I even had two strangers congratulate me.  Big deal!  I don't think I was wearing anything that was more belly accentuating than normal so I guess this babe has finally decided to appear to the public.  So that's kind of nice.  I remember when people first started saying things to me with Henry that I was so excited to look pregnant and not just fat.  So good for that.  :)

I'm also wondering what it feels like when a baby "drops."  I don't think Henry ever did. Well, I mean obviously he did but I don't think it was before labor started.  So I don't know what it feels like.  I've been wondering for a bit if this babe has possibly dropped because I've been getting these weird pains in my groin and pubic bone.  Two nights ago, it was absolute agony.  Didn't feel anything at all like labor, more like baby was scraping me on the inside.  So I don't know if he/she had his/her little hands up and pushing on things he/she wasn't supposed to or what but it KILLED.  And also, I frequently get these sharp, shooting pains in my groin area.  I remember those from Henry, though.  I think the doctor told me that baby's head was pressing against a nerve or something before.  It's very odd and doesn't last more than a few seconds but sometimes it's so painful that I'm afraid I'm going to fall down.  So I got to wondering, does that mean the baby has dropped?  Why haven't I been experiencing this throughout the entire pregnancy?  I'm quite thankful that I haven't been but I wonder what's different now.  I'm sure baby is bigger now so maybe that's it?  I do not know.  But I don't like it.

Finally, I've been having much more intense, frequent Tony Braxtons lately.  Dr. Lawson said to call if I ever have more than six in an hour and I haven't, though yesterday I had four.  That was a little alarming.  They weren't regular or consistent or anything.  I had one then another 20 minutes later than another 5 minutes later than another 18 minutes later then another 12 minutes or something.  So it's not like I was mistaking them for labor.  But it was surprising and conventional wisdom tells us to drink lots of water, take a walk, or change positions when you get them.  But I seem to get them when I get up out of a chair or lie down or am doing something that makes me tired.  They still don't hurt or anything but they are quite noticeable these days.  Almost as if I'm due to have a baby in the next 3-7 weeks.  Madness, utter and complete madness.

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