Wednesday, August 27, 2014

37 weeks, 0 days - Work "Sprinkle!"

What a lovely surprise from my very lovely coworkers.  Total surprise.  The dear, sweet folks I work with got me a big cake for everyone and a little GF cake for me and gave me a really nice gift card for our new baby.  Totally surprised me.  My helper, Eileen, had asked me if I'd have lunch with her today, you know, since it's my last day on site, so that's what I thought we were doing.  As it turned out, everyone was there.  The client, the sub contractor, the Analytics team I used to manage, our partner and executives... it was so lovely.  Not a lot of pomp and circumstance but it was just so very nice and sweet.  Plus, Tricia, my client business owner, gave me a couple of books for new baby.  So sweet and thoughtful.  I am constantly amazed by how kind and caring the folks we work with are.  I guess it's the difference between working with the federal government and working with a public school system.  These folks really do seem to care about one another.  And it's nice that I get to be a part of that.  Lots of people asked me very kind, thoughtful questions and it was just so very very nice.  And the gift card was just the perfect little "sprinkle" of gifts.  I'm so very touched.

Also, everyone who guessed, guessed girl.  Interesting.  Looking more and more like my "boy" gut feeling is in the minority.  Very interesting, indeed.

I was thinking, on my way in today, that if I was Allie, I'd be having my baby very shortly.  I don't remember if she was induced the day she turned 37 weeks or if it was  a few days later, but I do know that she had Lex when she was 37 weeks.  So that's pretty crazy.  We're past the premie phase so if we had the baby as of today, I don't think he/she would be considered a premie.  I believe that babies born at 37 or 38 weeks are "early term" but still considered pretty well baked!  Crazy!  Not that I think we'll have baby any time soon, but it really could be any time now!  I put the car seat in the car over the weekend and told Henry that's where his baby will go.  He kept saying "bay-bee, bay-bee" over and over, so I went in and got his baby doll to strap in.  He was happy about that.  Then, he didn't want to leave the baby in the car, so he carried it through the stores we visited.  It was very cute.  I think he'll be a good big brother.  I've asked him a number of times if he wants a baby and he always says yes.  So, game on, baby!

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